If we are completely HONEST with ourselves, EVERYONE has a DARK SIDE to their PERSONALITIES.

Author - Isabella Rossellini

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Design related to Isabella Rossellini. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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I FEEL LIKE WHATEVER Is MEANT Is Meant. I Feel Like This Is Already WRITTEN.


Racism Is An EFFECT Of Slavery, Not The Other Way AROUND. Once Slavery Was Abolished, Not Only Did Racism Not DISAPPEAR, Neither Did The Economic System It Upheld.


If The Same PHRASE In The Same Place Created The RIGHT Effect, I Was Perfectly PREPARED To Use It Every Time. I Wasn't Worried That I Wasn't Improvising.


Keeping A Lid On Taxes Is Not Just Good For The Taxpayer. It's A Powerful WAY To FORCE Government To Be More ACCOUNTABLE, Set PRIORITIES And Spend SMARTER. Let Me Repeat That: More Accountable, Set Priorities And Spend Smarter - That's What We Need To Be About.


As A CONSUMER, I Don't CREATE ART, But I Think WHATEVER The MESSAGE Is, Art Has To Touch You.


You're ABSOLUTELY Right: Bob GRANT Is A Racist, Bob Grant Is A Bigot, He's A DESPICABLE Talk SHOW Host And I Agree With That.


You NEVER WANT To Have To Give Your CHILD BAD News Of Any Kind.

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