If you go to Wall Street, there is SOMEONE from HARVARD, STANFORD, etc, who RELATE to each other by the batch they studied in, the dorm they lived in, and so on.

Author - Shiv Nadar

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10+ Most View Dreams Quotes - For Your Success


If You BELIEVE In Yourself And Have Dedication And PRIDE - And Never Quit, You'll Be A Winner. The PRICE Of VICTORY Is High But So Are The REWARDS.


Don't Worry That CHILDREN Never LISTEN To You; Worry That They Are Always WATCHING You.


I Tried To DROWN My Sorrows, But The Bastards LEARNED How To Swim, And Now I Am Overwhelmed By This DECENT And GOOD Feeling.


The THINGS That MAKE US DIFFERENT, Those Are Our Superpowers.


I Actually Started Off Majoring In COMPUTER Science, But I Knew Right AWAY I Wasn't GOING To Stay With It. It Was Because I Had This One Professor Who Was The Loneliest, Saddest Man I've Ever KNOWN. He Was A PROGRAMMER, And I Knew That I Didn't Want To Do Whatever He Did.


I Try To Do The RIGHT Thing With MONEY. Save A Dollar Here And There, Clip Some Coupons. Buy TEN Gold Chains Instead Of 20. Four SUMMER Homes Instead Of EIGHT.




I THINK There Are MOVIES That Are So Gigantic That You NEED A SECOND UNIT.


The Supreme Court Ruled That Disabled Golfer Casey Martin Has A Legal Right To RIDE In A Golf Cart Between SHOTS At PGA TOUR Events. Man, The Next Thing You Know, They're Going To Have Some Guy Carry His CLUBS Around For Him.

BUILD A MAN A Fire, And He'll Be WARM For A DAY. Set A Man On Fire, And He'll Be Warm For The Rest Of His Life.

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