Jimi... He was the gov'nor and that's it. He was BRILLIANT, wasn't he?

Author - Ritchie Blackmore

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The ARTS, SCIENCES, HUMANITIES, Physical Education, LANGUAGES And Maths All Have Equal And Central Contributions To Make To A Student's Education.


The TRADE Of Banks Is The BUYING And Selling Of Interest And EXCHANGE.


The WORLD Is Under Siege, In CONFLICT, But It Is Enthusiastic About ARGENTINA.


I'm Very LUCKY. I Have A Really Supportive Husband In HENRY, And There's My Mum, Too. I Couldn't Have A Career And Manage The Kids' Routines And HOUSEHOLD Thing Single-handedly. I'd Just Go CRAZY.


Then There Was The Whole Concept Of COAL Mining, Which Is A Culture Unto Itself, The Most DANGEROUS Occupation In The World, And Which Draws And Develops A CERTAIN Kind Of Man.


Causes Of Civil WAR Are ALSO, That The WEALTH Of The NATION Is In Too Few Mens Hands, And That No Certain Means Are Provided To Keep All Men From A Necessity Either To Beg, Or Steal, Or Be Souldiers.


You TALK About The VALUES That You Have WHETHER They're In FAVOR Or Not In Favor. That's How You Lead. The Reality Is, We're Losing More And More ELECTIONS.


The Good LIFE, As It Is Popularly Conceived, Typically Involves Acquiring Mastery In One's Work, Thus Gaining For ONESELF BETTER Terms - Or Means To Rewards, Whether Material, Like WEALTH, Or Nonmaterial - An Experience We May Call 'prospering.'

PEOPLE Are OBSESSED With Actresses Being Hairless, Fatless BARBIE Dolls.

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