My parents FELT that acting was FAR too insecure. Don't ask me what made them think that PAINTING WOULD be more SECURE.

Author - John Hurt

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My Role In The BUSINESS Is To Use My Judgment. All These Years Of Experience Have GIVEN Me A Clear Head, And I Can Give A Nonpartisan View With A SENSE Of Distance.

PROGRAMMING Is The ART Of Algorithm DESIGN And The Craft Of Debugging Errant CODE.

The CANADIAN Franchises And CANADA As A Market For NHL HOCKEY Has Always Been A PRIORITY For Us.


I ACTUALLY Looked At An APPLE Ad From 1978. It Was A Print Ad. That SHOWS You How Ancient It Was. And It Said, 'Thousands Of PEOPLE Have Discovered The Apple Computer.' Thousands Of People.

EDUCATION Is And Will Be The Most Powerful Tool For Individual And Social CHANGE, And We MUST Do All That It Takes To Facilitate It.

In The 1980s, In The Communist Eastern Germany, If You Owned A Typewriter, You Had To Register It With The GOVERNMENT. You Had To Register A Sample Sheet Of Text Out Of The Typewriter. And This Was DONE So The Government Could TRACK Where Text Was Coming From.


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Marriage Is A Decades-long EXPERIMENT, Conducted MOSTLY In Private; A TEST Of Will In The FACE Of Unexpected Obstacles.


Then People Started USING It More And More And It BECAME The Most Downloaded SOFTWARE On The INTERNET.

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