Now, the external WORK of man is of the most varied kind as regards the force or ease, the form and rapidity, of the motions used on it, and the kind of work produced.

Author - Hermann Von Helmholtz

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on External related to Hermann Von Helmholtz. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View External Quotes - For Your Success


Weight, FORCE And CASUAL Impulse, Together With Resistance, Are The Four External POWERS In Which All The Visible Actions Of MORTALS Have Their Being And Their END.


I Made The MISTAKE Of Thinking That EXTERNAL Accomplishments Would Bring Me Peace. I THOUGHT It Was About The JOB Or A Book Or Making A Name For Myself.


We Are On The Lookout For CRIMINAL And Terrorist Activity But We Do Not - Nor Will We EVER - Monitor Ideology Or Political Beliefs. We Take SERIOUSLY Our Responsibility To Protect The Civil Rights And Liberties Of The American People, Including Subjecting Our Activities To Rigorous Oversight From Numerous Internal And EXTERNAL Sources.


Success Was Always CRITICAL To Me. What It Meant Was Winning ENOUGH Praise And External Admiration That I Could FEEL Myself To Be A Logical Extension Of My Uncle Alex, Uncle Zoli, And My Father, In That Order.


The WINGS Are Moved SEVERAL Times By HAND To Charge The Crank Chamber With Mixture, Which Flows On Through The External Pipe And Inlet Valve To The Compression SPACE And Cylinder.


We CALL Those Works Of Art Concrete That Came Into Being On The Basis Of Their Inherent Resources And Rules - Without EXTERNAL Borrowing From Natural PHENOMENA, Without Transforming Those Phenomena, In Other Words: Not By ABSTRACTION.


In North America, The Greatest THREAT To The Jewish People Is Not The External Force Of Antisemitism, But The INTERNAL FORCES Of Apathy, Inertia And Ignorance Of Our Own HERITAGE.


I Wrote Two Plotted BOOKS, GOT Some Of The Fundamentals Of STORYTELLING Down, Then... It's SORT Of Like Taking The Training Wheels Off, Trying To Write A Book That's Fun In The Same Way Without Relying On QUITE Such Mechanical Or External Beats.


I Think Playing Somebody Who's SCHIZOPHRENIC Is Such A LESSON As An Actor. It Gets You Totally Out Of Your Comfort Zone, Because You Can't Rely On Your Technique, Your EXTERNAL Stuff. You've Really Gotta Look Inward, In A Way.

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I feel LIKE I'm the same SCIENTIST I was BACK when I couldn't get a grant. Now I'm that same PERSON thinking that same way getting grants. That system of external rewards in science has always mystified me. It's fickle. And I also don't think it was constructed with people like me in mind.

Author - Hope Jahren

I've seen descriptions of advanced TV SYSTEMS in which a simulation of reality is computer-controlled; the TV viewer of the future will wear a special helmet. You'll no longer be an external spectator to FICTION created by others, but an active participant in your own fantasies/dramas.

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The Arab world is FACING its own VERSION of an Iron Curtain, imposed not by EXTERNAL actors but through DOMESTIC forces vying for power.

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In North America, the greatest THREAT to the Jewish people is not the external force of antisemitism, but the INTERNAL FORCES of apathy, inertia and ignorance of our own HERITAGE.

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With REGARD to moral rules, the child submits more or less completely in intention to the rules LAID down for him, but these, remaining, as it were, EXTERNAL to the SUBJECT's conscience, do not really transform his conduct.

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