Only very slowly and late have men come to REALIZE that UNLESS freedom is universal it is only extended PRIVILEGE.

Author - John Edward Christopher Hill

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Privilege related to John Edward Christopher Hill. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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I FEEL LIKE WHATEVER Is MEANT Is Meant. I Feel Like This Is Already WRITTEN.


I Do THINK, In GENERAL, Children Are So Perceptive, And They WATCH And They Get So Much, And That's Wonderful. And It's Also Difficult For Them Because They See So Much, But They Don't Understand.


When A FEDERAL Court Issues An Order Against Enforcement Of A GOVERNMENT Policy, The Ruling Traditionally Applies Only To The Plaintiff In That Case.


I'm A NOVELIST From The Haisla And Heiltsuk FIRST Nations Of British Columbia, Both SMALL Coastal Reserves Hugging The Rugged SHORES Of The West Coast.


I Am Certain That I SPEAK On Behalf Of My Entire NATION When I SAY: September 11th We Are All Americans - In GRIEF, As In Defiance.

SOCIAL Security Is An Insurance Policy. It's A TERRIBLE INVESTMENT Vehicle. Social Security Has Some Great Benefits. But It Was Never Meant To Be A Savings Plan. So We Need To Have A NATIONAL Debate. Should This 12.5 Percent That We're Contributing All GO Into A Social Security Pool, Or Should Half Go Into A Mandatory Savings Plan?

You Don't Hear MUCH Crosstalk On 'The FIVE.' When You Try To Make A POINT, The Other PERSON Will Back Off.




It Is An Interesting And Demonstrable FACT, That All CHILDREN Are Atheists And Were Religion Not Inculcated Into Their MINDS, They WOULD REMAIN So.

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