Reality shows are all the rage on TV at the MOMENT, but that's not reality, it's just ANOTHER AESTHETIC form of fiction.

Author - Steven Soderbergh

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'Tis The VOICE Of The Sluggard; I Heard Him COMPLAIN, You Have Waked Me Too SOON, I Must Slumber Again.


We Must Not, In Trying To THINK About How We Can Make A Big DIFFERENCE, IGNORE The Small DAILY Differences We Can Make Which, Over Time, Add Up To Big Differences That We Often Cannot Foresee.

YESTERDAY's The PAST, Tomorrow's The Future, But TODAY Is A GIFT. That's Why It's Called The Present.

God ALWAYS GIVES His BEST To Those Who LEAVE The Choice With Him.




Groceries BECAME A REVELATION: The PEOPLE Coming Out With Bundles Of Food. It's All LIKE A Great Ceremony, And The Whole Drudgery Of Shopping Has BECOME My Inspiration.


Journalism Can NEVER Be Silent: That Is Its Greatest Virtue And Its Greatest FAULT. It Must Speak, And Speak Immediately, While The Echoes Of WONDER, The Claims Of Triumph And The Signs Of Horror Are Still In The AIR.

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