STYLE is WHATEVER you WANT to do, if you can do it with CONFIDENCE.

Author - George Clinton

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Posted on 26 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Dreams related to George Clinton. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Romantic Quotes - For Your Success


Being A Woman WRITER, I Would Be Deceiving Myself If I Said I Write Completely Through The Eye Of A Man. There's Nothing Bad In It, But That Does Not MAKE Me A Feminist Writer. I HATE That Name. The TAG Is From The WESTERN World - Like We Are Called The Third World.

MUSIC Is My BREATH, Blood And Food - WITHOUT Music I Would Perish; The ACTOR In Me Would Die.

'To Kill A MOCKINGBIRD' Is One Of My Favourite Novels, My Mum BROUGHT Me Up READING It, And It Never FAILS To MOVE Me.


I'm An Adaptable Nomad. I Love Paris, I've Been LIVING In LOS Angeles And New York Since 1990. I Love London, Too. My ROOTS Are Inside Of Me.


It's Like, If You Can't Focus On A MOVIE For 90 Minutes Without Looking At Your Phone, Then Don't Go To The MOVIES! You've Got Some Issues, So You Should Probably STAY HOME And Work On Those Issues, And Not Distract Everyone With Lights, And Sounds, Oh My Gosh, The Tapping On The Screens, It Makes Me CRAZY!


My Favorite Thing About GOING To Concerts Has Always Been LOOKING Around And Thinking That There's A Lot Of People In Here That Are Very Much LIKE Me, A Lot Of People In Here I Could Have A Full CONVERSATION With.


I Guess I Was One Of The POPULAR Kids. I Played SOCCER, I Was Class PRESIDENT - I EVEN Dated The Homecoming QUEEN.


One Of The Guys That Used To Run It - For Some Reason I've No Idea Why He Used To CALL Me The Sea Monster And I Was Just LOOKING Around For A NAME And Thought That'll Do. That Lasted For A COUPLE Of Years Probably.


You've GOT To Remember That Men Are Men And WOMEN Are Women. And Although A Lot Of SIMILARITIES, There Are Some REAL DIFFERENCES.

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