The element of surprise is the most important thing and what KEEPS me interested in writing. I can feel it if I've written that predictable or BORING line, and I will carry that AROUND with me all DAY.

Author - Phoebe Waller-Bridge

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10+ Most View Dreams Quotes - For Your Success


If You BELIEVE In Yourself And Have Dedication And PRIDE - And Never Quit, You'll Be A Winner. The PRICE Of VICTORY Is High But So Are The REWARDS.


The Supreme Court Ruled That Disabled Golfer Casey Martin Has A Legal Right To RIDE In A Golf Cart Between SHOTS At PGA TOUR Events. Man, The Next Thing You Know, They're Going To Have Some Guy Carry His CLUBS Around For Him.


It's EASY To BLAME Technology For What We PERCEIVE To Be A Vast Disconnect Between PEOPLE. We're So Wrapped Up In Social Media, TEXTING, Online Dating - In Many Ways, We're Addicted To Our Devices.

CLIMBING To The TOP Demands Strength, Whether It Is To The Top Of MOUNT EVEREST Or To The Top Of Your CAREER.

It Is More IMPORTANT To CLICK With PEOPLE Than To Click The Shutter.


The AMERICAN People Voted To Restore Integrity And HONESTY In Washington, D.C., And The DEMOCRATS INTEND To Lead The Most Honest, Most Open And Most Ethical Congress In History.


Barbie Has ALWAYS Been An INSPIRATION. Dressing Her Was PART Of Ever Girl's DREAM.


The FACT That I LOST My SON Permeates My Being.


The EXCITING PART About Life Is FINDING Out What You Can't Do, Because You Don't FIND Out Until You Try To Do Something And You're STOPPED.

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