The TERM 'Xiaokang' is used today to refer to a society where people can receive education, get paid through work, have ACCESS to medical services and old-age support, have a shelter and more than enough FOOD and CLOTHING, and lead a well-off life.

Author - Li Keqiang

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What We Are Doing Is Taking ADVANTAGE Of The Broadband Internet To Provide BASICALLY Unlimited Free CALLS To Anyone At A Higher Voice Quality Than They Can With The Phone Lines.


I've NEVER Been In The Top THREE Of SPORTS Personality. And I Won't Be In The Top Three Again. You Have Just GOT To Accept What It Is.


Any INSTITUTIONS' Alumni Are Key To Its GROWTH. We Are Focused On Giving A GLOBAL Experience To Our Students.


But In My Imagination This Whole THING DEVELOPED And I Started MIXING Up Old FOLK Songs With The Beatles Beat And TAKING Them Down To Greenwich Village And Playing Them For The People There.


We NEED To Stop KICKING The Can Down The Road And Rethink Our ENTIRE Tax System Toward Long-term, COMPREHENSIVE Tax Reform.


We Now Think Of INTERNAL Representation As Great Big Vectors, And We Do Not Think Of Logic As The Paradigm For How To Get Things To Work. We Just Think You Can Have These Great Big Neural Nets That LEARN, And So, INSTEAD Of Programming, You Are Just Going To Get Them To Learn EVERYTHING.


A Huge AMOUNT Of Our Everyday Thinking - Powerful, CREATIVE, And Resonant STUFF - Is Done Socially: Talking To Other PEOPLE, ARGUING With Them, Relying On Them To Recall Information For Us.

BUYING From A Local FARMER Can Mean That He Makes A Two-hour Extra Truck Drive, Which Can DAMAGE The ENVIRONMENT More Than A Bunch Of Bananas On A Boat.

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