There is no such thing as LOW maintenance or HIGH maintenance, just a bunch of WOMEN hoping for a capable mechanic.

Author - Liz Vassey

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Many Latino KIDS Should BECOME Scientists Because We Need Scientists All Over The World From All DIFFERENT Backgrounds. We Have Many Tough Problems, And We Need EVERYBODY's Help To Solve The Problems.


Give To US Clear Vision That We May KNOW Where To STAND And What To Stand For - Because Unless We Stand For SOMETHING, We Shall FALL For Anything.


Man Is SUPPOSED To Be The Maker Of His Destiny. It Is Only Partly TRUE. He Can Make His Destiny, Only In So Far As He Is ALLOWED By The Great POWER.


I've KEPT To Myself, I've Put My Head Down. I've GONE To Work. And I Have Felt UNDERVALUED.


Commerce Is A Powerful, Underestimated Form Of EXPRESSION. We Use It To Cast A VOTE With Every Product We BUY. It's A Direct Expression Of Democracy. This Is Why Our Mission At Shopify Is To Protect That Form Of Expression And MAKE It Better For Everyone, Not Just For Those We Agree With.


We WRITE Because We BELIEVE The HUMAN SPIRIT Cannot Be Tamed And Should Not Be TRAINED.

RULE A: Don't. Rule A1: Rule A Doesn't EXIST. Rule A2: Do Not DISCUSS The EXISTENCE Or Non-existence Of RULES A, A1 Or A2.

Working Out And Working As An ACTOR Have Gone HAND In Hand - I Always Feel More Prepared If I Know I Have Done A WORKOUT. It Gives Me Confidence - And PEACE Of MIND.

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