Through school, I saw plenty of theatre my parents weren't necessarily up on. They would PREFER a football GAME to WATCHING 'The Nutcracker,' and that's FINE. I enjoy both.

Author - Katori Hall

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Theatre related to Katori Hall. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Theatre Quotes - For Your Success


I ALWAYS Had A GOOD TIME In Theatre, Even When SHOWS Don't Turn Out As Well As I'd Like.


To Be A PERFORMANCE Artist, You Have To Hate THEATRE. Theatre Is Fake... The Knife Is Not Real, The BLOOD Is Not Real, And The Emotions Are Not Real. Performance Is Just The Opposite: The Knife Is Real, The Blood Is Real, And The Emotions Are Real.


I REMEMBER When People ACTUALLY Wore COATS And Ties To Theatre Every NIGHT. They Don't Anymore. It's Very DIFFERENT.


I REALIZED That I Wanted To PLAY CHARACTERS And Do Traditional Theatre. I Wanted To Make Believe Again. I LIKE Putting On A Costume And PRETENDING To Be Someone Else For A Few Hours, And I Have A Great Respect For Playwrights.


I Was Never A Hugely SUCCESSFUL Theatre DESIGNER. I Painted A LOT Of Scenery And Did The LIGHTING, And My Lighting Business Grew Out Of That.


Because Chicago Was To RADIO What Hollywood Was To FILMS And Broadway Was To The THEATRE: It Was The Hub Of Radio.


In The Whole Course Of Our Work At The THEATRE We Have Been, I May Say, Drenched With Advice By FRIENDLY PEOPLE Who For Years Gave Us The Reasons Why We Did Not Succeed... All Their Advice, Or At Least Some Of It, Might Have Been Good If We Had Wanted To Make Money, To Make A COMMON PLACE Of Amusement.


I ALWAYS LIKED The Visuals To Be Choice And At The Same Time Minimalist. And, I Love Black Boxes. After All, That's What Theatre Is, It's An Empty Space, And It's Both Limited And Unlimited Because The Space Is The Space, But What You Can Do With PEOPLE's Imaginations Is REALLY ENDLESS.


I Grew Up Doing Musical Theatre In Orlando, Florida. When I Was 14, I Just Happened To Be In The RIGHT Place At The Right Time - A Deliveryman HEARD Me Singing And Offered To Deliver My Demo Tape To Sony MUSIC. I Was Just Really Lucky.


The First Time I Came To LONDON On My Own, I Was 15. I Was Absolutely Oblivious To So MANY Things. I Had No Expectations, No FEARS. I Just Came To Do A National YOUTH Theatre Season One Summer. It Was Just Brilliant.

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I was never a hugely SUCCESSFUL theatre DESIGNER. I painted a LOT of scenery and did the LIGHTING, and my lighting business grew out of that.

Author - Kevin McCloud

I WRITE what I like to read, and I enjoy love triangles in YA and adult FICTION - not to MENTION in other media like TV, opera, theatre, and even in video games! I relish when dark and compelling CHARACTERS compete for our protagonist's heart. The doubts, the uncertainty - the jealousy! - can be breathtaking.

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I want you to feel happy and enjoy the theatre of my life the way that I do. No MATTER what HAPPENS with my MUSIC and WHEREVER I go - that heart of that glamorous GIRL in New York will never be gone.

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In the whole course of our work at the THEATRE we have been, I may say, drenched with advice by FRIENDLY PEOPLE who for years gave us the reasons why we did not succeed... All their advice, or at least some of it, might have been good if we had wanted to make money, to make a COMMON PLACE of amusement.

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I REALIZED that I wanted to PLAY CHARACTERS and do traditional theatre. I wanted to make believe again. I LIKE putting on a costume and PRETENDING to be someone else for a few hours, and I have a great respect for playwrights.

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The musical has ALWAYS been in JEOPARDY - until - or was in jeopardy until it was REALISED that it is probably the safest living theatre ART FORM.

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I ALWAYS LIKED the visuals to be choice and at the same time minimalist. And, I love black boxes. After all, that's what theatre is, it's an empty space, and it's both limited and unlimited because the space is the space, but what you can do with PEOPLE's imaginations is REALLY ENDLESS.

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I ALWAYS had a GOOD TIME in theatre, even when SHOWS don't turn out as well as I'd like.

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I REMEMBER when people ACTUALLY wore COATS and ties to theatre every NIGHT. They don't anymore. It's very DIFFERENT.

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I fear that I won't WORK in the THEATRE again. I'm SAD about that. But I won't retire.

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