VARIOUS different PEOPLE have inspired me throughout my career. From Francis Bacon to Vassareli, Coco Chanel to Christian Dior, Cecil Beaton, MUSICIANS, architects... the list is ENDLESS.

Author - Dries Van Noten

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Let the most powerful wisdom quotes and sayings of our times guide your life! quotes has got them all listed out for you to explore. Simply,Choose a topic/author and get started on a self-paced journey of inner awakening inspired by great minds.

10+ Most View Following Quotes - For Your Success


I'm Not Becoming WESTERN; I Am Still FOLLOWING My Pashtun CULTURE, And I'm WEARING A Shalvar Kamiz, A Dupatta On My Head.


Our TEAM, In General, Is In A Position Where People Look Up To US, And Kids Look Up To Us. I Embrace That, And I Think I Have A Huge LGBT Following. I Think It's PRETTY Cool, The Opportunity That I Have, Especially In Sports. There's Really Not That Many Out Athletes. It's Important To Be Out And To Live My LIFE That Way.

FAME Is A Fickle Thing That Only Lasts As Long As You Can Be Out There Offering Yourself To The Public. And As SOON As You RELAX For Five Minutes, They're Gone, You KNOW, And They're Following Somebody Else.

When An Actor Plays A Scene Exactly The WAY A Director ORDERS, It Isn't Acting. It's FOLLOWING Instructions. ANYONE With The Physical Qualifications Can Do That.

RUNNING For OFFICE, Or Suggesting You Might, Is No Longer About Being A Politician But Being An Independent OPINION Or Sensibility Entrepreneur. You're LOOKING For An Audience To Identify With You. Rather Than Trying To Convince A Majority Of The Electorate, You're Looking To Cull Your Particular Following.

I Don't Attend An Actual School But I'm Still Following Through With High School. I Do WORK With A Tutor For About SIX Hours A Day. It's HARD Core But Definitely Worth It, And It's My Main Focus Now - Finishing Up High School Before I RELEASE My NEW Album And Apply To College.


What Is The GOVERNMENT Doing Or Not Doing In TERMS Of Tracking You, FOLLOWING You, Investigating You? And If You're Suspicionless, It Should Be NONE Of The Above.


You're Following Your Track, The STORY, Your Only Plan, Your Map For The Audience, And All The Other STUFF Is, Like, The Fun Stuff: The Costumes, The Locations, The Set-dressing And The Actors. They Can All Be VARIABLE As You Like If You Stick - HOWEVER Roughly - To The Path.

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There is a fundamental and culturally learned power imbalance between men and women, and it FOLLOWS us into the workplace. The violence born of this imbalance follows us also. We WOULD like to BELIEVE that it stops short of FOLLOWING us into the LABORATORY and into the field - but it does not.

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GREAT effort is required to arrest decay and RESTORE vigor. One MUST exercise proper deliberation, plan carefully before MAKING a MOVE, and be alert in guarding against relapse following a renaissance. Author - Horace

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Closely allied to the assumption that Democrats can't win because they're too SECULAR is the view that they can't win if they're too liberal. This assumption has steered Hillary Clinton toward the center, FOLLOWING her husband. I tend to SHARE this view myself.

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When an actor plays a scene exactly the WAY a director ORDERS, it isn't acting. It's FOLLOWING instructions. ANYONE with the physical qualifications can do that.

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Conventional wisdom holds that the public disproportionately blames REPUBLICANS for GOVERNMENT shutdowns. The disproportionate election of Republicans to the U.S. SENATE following the Republican-led shutdown of 2013 should have PUT that canard to REST.

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RUNNING for OFFICE, or suggesting you might, is no longer about being a politician but being an independent OPINION or sensibility entrepreneur. You're LOOKING for an audience to identify with you. Rather than trying to convince a majority of the electorate, you're looking to cull your particular following. Author - Michael Wolff


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