WELL, I think we're the GREATEST rock 'n' ROLL BAND in the WORLD.

Author - Joey Ramone

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Posted on 27 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Learning related to Joey Ramone. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Attitude Quotes - For Your Success


When Self-doubt Creeps In, Don't Ignore It - Address It. RESPOND To HARSH Self-criticism With Something More COMPASSIONATE. Talk To Yourself Like A Trusted Friend And REFUSE To BELIEVE Your Unrealistic, Negative Inner Monologue.


When I Have The Urge To GET Back To COACHING, I Lie Down And Wait Until It PASSES.


The Honor I FEEL Today Being Inducted Into The Hall Of Fame Is Beyond What Words Can Describe. My THANKS To The Hall Of Fame Committee, Who SAW FIT To Bestow This Great Honor Upon Me Today.


In Aristotle The MIND, Regarded As The PRINCIPLE Of Life, Divides Into NUTRITION, Sensation, And Faculty Of THOUGHT, Corresponding To The Inner Most Important Stages In The Succession Of Vital PHENOMENA.


The PROBLEM Is Not ACTUAL Number Of CALORIES We Are Producing - We Have FOOD Waste ISSUES. The Problem Is Industrial Food.

PEOPLE Might Think Chip Is Just This GOOFY GUY, And He Is A Goofy Guy. But He's ALSO The Bravest Person I Know.

I URGE You To ASK Yourself Just How Honorable It Is To Preside Over The ABUSE And Suffering Of ANIMALS.

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