Well, if you find a note tonight that sounds GOOD, play the same DAMN note every NIGHT!

Author - Count Basie

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10+ Most View Forgive Quotes - For Your Success


Our Past Is A Story EXISTING Only In Our MINDS. Look, ANALYZE, Understand, And Forgive. Then, As QUICKLY As POSSIBLE, Chuck It.


Our COUNTRY Will, I Believe, SOONER Forgive An Officer For Attacking An ENEMY Than For Letting It ALONE.


A Personal Offense Is Like A Scratch On A Phonograph Record. I Couldn't Move My THOUGHTS Beyond My Pain. It KEPT Repeating, As If I Were Stuck Within Its Grooves. There Was Only One Way To Play Beyond It. I Had To Forgive Them, So My Heart COULD TAKE Its FORM Again.


Throwing Money At SOMETHING Doesn't REALLY CREATE - Forgive Me That Onerous Word - ART.


I Remember Coming Into 'The LION King' And, Oh Forgive Me Lord, But Doubting It. The Way That MUSICALS Are Put Together, We're Kind Of Exclusive Of Each Other. And So SOMEBODY's WORKING On This In One Room, And Somebody's Working That In The Other Room. I Did Not UNDERSTAND How All This Was Going To Come Together.


To Be Able To BEAR Provocation Is An Argument Of Great REASON, And To FORGIVE It Of A Great Mind.

SELFISHNESS Is That Detestable VICE Which No One Will FORGIVE In OTHERS, And No One Is WITHOUT Himself.

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The word 'racist' is a PERMANENT stain against my NAME. It's worse than a criminal record. Some people will never forgive me. Others will accept I MADE a terrible mistake and recognise I have learnt from it. It's on YouTube when my KIDS type in their dad's name, and it comes up 'Jamie Vardy racist'. On Google, too. It's HORRIBLE.

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