When I SPEND a lot of time reading, discussing, or thinking about an AREA, I'll often really appreciate why a STRONG viewpoint is true and come to very firm CONCLUSIONS. But if I am later exposed to a strong opposing VIEW, I frequently find this countervailing view persuasive as well.

Author - Joe Lonsdale

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10+ Most View Appreciate Quotes - For Your Success


The Abduction Of A CHILD Is A Tragedy. No One Can Fully Understand Or Appreciate What A Parent GOES Through At Such A Time, Unless They Have Faced A SIMILAR Tragedy. Every Parent Responds Differently. Each Parent Copes With This Nightmare In The Best WAY He Or She Knows How.


You Can't SECOND-GUESS Your AUDIENCE. You Can Only Do What You THINK Is RIGHT. If You Do That, Your Audience Will APPRECIATE You.




When You Are ALLOWED To STUDY Different Disciplines, You Redefine Your IDEA Of Success. You Learn To Appreciate Multiple Disciplines Simultaneously And You Learn That There Is No One Formula To ANYTHING.


I Was Brought Up In A JEWISH HOME, But I Was Brought Up To Be Human - Not Fanatical, Which Is Something That I Don't Appreciate At All. I Learned To BECOME A Humanist And Not To DWELL On The Differences Between JEWS And Christians.


When I SEE That My GEEK May Have CONTAINED Some Of The BEST Parts Of Me, When I Love And APPRECIATE Him, I Set My Children Free To See Themselves As Lovable However They Are.


If I'm Going To Be The BEST In What I Do, I Have To Study What I'm Doing, I Have To See What I'm Doing. I Have To See It, I Have To Hear It. I'm Just STARTING To Appreciate Myself - Not Starting, But Appreciating Myself In A WAY Where I Can Look At Myself Back In A Movie Or Listen To Myself As MUCH As I Do Now.


This Band Is A Real Collaboration, And I'm Greatful To Anybody Who Can APPRECIATE Our Music. It Doesn't Have To Be A Certain Kind Of Fan Or PERSON Or ANYTHING. I THINK There's A Little Bit Of SOMETHING For Everybody On This Record.


I Just Want EVERYONE Out There To Know That I'm Super-awesome And A GREAT GUY And REALLY COOL To Talk To And That I Appreciate All The Support.

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