You have to create a TRACK record of breaking your own MOLD, or at LEAST other people's IDEA of that mold.

Author - William Hurt

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Posted on 26 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Famous related to William Hurt. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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CAPITAL Punishment Is Our SOCIETY's Recognition Of The SANCTITY Of HUMAN Life.

We Expect Teachers To HANDLE Teenage Pregnancy, SUBSTANCE ABUSE, And The Failings Of The FAMILY. Then We Expect Them To Educate Our CHILDREN.


We're Creating This NEW BREED Of Techies Who Are Going To Be The ONES Starting The TECH Companies Of The FUTURE.


A Fact Is A Simple Statement That EVERYONE Believes. It Is INNOCENT, Unless Found Guilty. A HYPOTHESIS Is A Novel Suggestion That No One WANTS To BELIEVE. It Is Guilty, Until Found Effective.


History OFFERS No Evidence For The Proposition That The Assignment Of Women To Military Combat Jobs Is The Way To WIN Wars, Improve Combat Readiness, Or PROMOTE NATIONAL Security.


I Dress LIKE A Bum All The TIME. I'm A Pretty CASUAL Fella.

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