You have to DANCE unencumbered. There's no other way to MOVE. The IDEA of dance is freedom. It is not exclusiveness, it's inclusiveness.

Author - Judith Jamison

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Dance related to Judith Jamison. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Sad Quotes - For Your Success

MUSIC Was The One Thing That Was Just Mine, And No One Could Take It From Me. I Created It, DICTATED It, And It Made Me Not ABLE To Let GO Of It.

My Goals Are To TELL Meaningful Stories Through Songs And TOUCH PEOPLE's Lives... And Hopefully MAKE A LIVING Doing It.


I'm Looking Forward To Sproglets But, As I'm The Main Breadwinner, I FEEL I OUGHT To Capitalise On My Career For A Bit Longer. Mother KEEPS Telling Me I Should Go And Freeze Some Eggs. Not Terribly Romantic, Is It?


Now I'm President. I Get To MEET A LOT Of Other Company Presidents. They're Such WEIRD People. I'm FASCINATED By Them. I Use Some Of Them As Enemy Characters In Our GAMES.


I've Been DATING SINCE I Was Fifteen. I'm EXHAUSTED. Where Is He?


I'd Dress LIKE RuPaul If I Was PRIME Minister. I'd Have A LACE Front, Waist Cincher. I'd Have Padding On My Hips. I'd Be Ruling The Country In Style.


But There Is SOMETHING Seductive And The Character, Alfie Is So Charming, And Does Make You THINK Like You Are The Most Important THING In The WORLD But He's Not That NICE, Is He.


As A KID, You Don't Have A Ton Of SPACES Where You Are HONORED, Where What You THINK Is Honored And What You SAY Is Revered.

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