There was a TIME when you would dream about, SAY, MOVIE stars. Now, you virtually follow them into their BATHROOM when they're going to the loo.

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I hate KNOWING where people go to the bathroom. You follow them going to pee, to EAT - I hate EVERYTHING when it comes to REALITY shows!

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At SCHOOL, I'd sing in groups in the locker room or in the bathroom, which was like an ECHO chamber. The problem is I didn't know how to get started singing professionally. The pool hall was my Facebook. I'd hang out there to KEEP up with what was going on and to let people know where I COULD be reached if singing JOBS came up.

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I couldn't fight, and I wasn't particularly interested in the ACADEMIC. So I started doing satiric bits in the school bathroom. Guys would cut class to COME and SEE me.

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I left FOOTBALL, and overnight, I couldn't walk. I wet the bed even though the BATHROOM was only THREE meters away. It was 4 A.M., and I KNEW if I STOOD, my ankle would kill me.

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I'm just GLAD when I was fighting for us to wrestle I would always have people tell me, 'Gail, women's wrestling is for the BATHROOM breaks, you know they really don't want to SEE it.' I would get discouraged a LITTLE bit but I was very adamant, so I'm glad that we girls proved them wrong.

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At a FORMAL dinner PARTY, the PERSON nearest death should always be seated CLOSEST to the bathroom.

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At the premieres, I ALWAYS WATCH the audience. If a CHILD asks to go to the BATHROOM, I know I've failed.

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I've been WATCHING Maybelline COMMERCIALS since I was little and singing ALONG with the jingle and doing little Maybelline commercials in my BATHROOM when I was, like, 10.

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I had trained myself not to go to the BATHROOM throughout my ELEMENTARY and JUNIOR HIGH school years because I was bullied. And you don't understand why you're being bullied, so you just suppress it.

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Two hundred years ago, bathrooms didn't exist. The bathroom's development has not been a straightforward MATTER, and you MIGHT be surprised to learn that MANY Tudor PEOPLE had worse PERSONAL hygiene than their medieval ancestors.

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At DISNEYLAND, you NEVER GO 'backstage' - EVEN when you're in the BATHROOM.

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I wouldn't WANT to be someone's roommate, that's for SURE. You can't do CERTAIN THINGS: you can't leave the bathroom door open... you can't put your feet on the couch, you can't hide stuff in the couch.

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Anyone who is awake and aware KNOWS that these quote-unquote bathroom BILLS or any legislation discriminating against LGBTQ citizens is horrible.

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I like 'Goodbye My LOVER' because it's a REALLY personal song and I recorded it in my landlady's bathroom in Los Angeles. She had a piano in there and for me LISTENING back to it, it actually SOUNDS like the voice I hear in my head. It's so CLOSE to what I can imagine.

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