At a FORMAL dinner PARTY, the PERSON nearest death should always be seated CLOSEST to the bathroom.

Author - George Carlin

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Bathroom related to George Carlin. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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But It Is Also CLEAR That Left ENTIRELY Untouched By PUBLIC Policy, The Capitalist System Will PRODUCE More INEQUALITY Than Is Socially Healthy Or Than Is Necessary For Maximum Efficiency.


It Was A Quality Of My Childhood That EVERYTHING Had These Two Sides. EVEN Though THINGS Could Be Really Beautiful And Peaceful One Moment, They Could Also Be A BIT Chaotic Or Maybe TERRIFYING In Another.


I Am A Big ADVOCATE For Having An Open DISCUSSION About TEAM NORMS And Preferences. At The Muse, Some Of Us Like To Start Working At 7:30 A.M. Others Focus Best From 10 P.M. To 2 A.M. Create A CULTURE Where It's Acceptable Not To Be Working When Someone Else Is Working.


I Enjoyed My Life When I Had NOTHING... And KINDA Like The IDEA Of Just Being Happy With Me.


I Was Given Away. If Your MOTHER Gives You Away, You Think Everybody Who Comes Into Your Life Is GOING To GIVE You Away.


Another Important HISTORICAL Factor Is The Fact That This Already Very SIMPLE Religion Was Further Simplified And PURIFIED By The EARLY PHILOSOPHERS Of Ancient China. Our First Great Philosopher Was A Founder Of Naturalism; And Our Second Great Philosopher Was An Agnostic.


My Parents Strapped A PAIR Of Plastic Skis On My Boots When I Was TWO Years Old And Sent Me Down Our Driveway In Vail. Of Course, They Were Holding On To Me The WHOLE Time, But That Was My FIRST Experience 'skiing.'

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