I CHOSE makeup over photography because there was something very sensual about makeup that I LOVED. But photography was always in the BACK of my mind. That was always something that I was very connected with: looking at magazines, ENJOYING photography, and then TAKING pictures myself when I was a kid.

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Guardiola is a GREAT MANAGER, but I CHOSE to join ANOTHER great manager, Mourinho, at United.

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At the AGE of 13, I felt it was up to me to DECIDE whether I wanted to GO to church or be with my mates, and I chose to go to church.

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In 'Climax' there are all KINDS of colours of SKIN, all kinds of genders, SEXUAL preferences - but I don't care, I CHOSE my favourite DANCERS.

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I think I was smart to MARRY him. I think that's my smartness, that I CHOSE the right guy.

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My DAD didn't want me to PLAY GUITAR. He played PIANO, so I chose that. And I ended up loving it.

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I SUPPOSE the reason I chose electrical ENGINEERING was because I had always been interested in electricity, involving myself in such PROJECTS as BUILDING radios from the time I was a CHILD.

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I had FOUGHT for my INDEPENDENCE and fought for my FREEDOM to do as I CHOSE.

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Americans chose a LIMITED GOVERNMENT that exists to protect our RIGHTS, not to grant them.

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I got to college and saw all of my friends GOING to these other schools and THOUGHT, 'You KNOW, college is just a blank slate.' And I had an opportunity to go to different schools, but I chose Brown because it was unique and ALLOWED you to be yourself as an individual and like I said, it's a blank slate.

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When I chose to leave a CAREER as a YOUNG lawyer in WASHINGTON to move to Arkansas to marry BILL and START a family, my friends asked, 'Are you out of your mind?'

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My dream was to SET up my own E-COMMERCE company. In 1999, I gathered 18 people in my apartment and SPOKE to them for two hours about my vision. Everyone put their money on the table, and that got us $60,000 to start Alibaba. I wanted to have a GLOBAL company, so I CHOSE a global name.

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HONESTLY, I chose 1 because I wore it in COLLEGE and my rookie YEAR. My MIND wasn't even THINKING about D-Rose and everything like that.
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I CHOSE Spurs because they GAVE me a good FEELING. I spoke to DANIEL Levy and Rafael VAN der Vaart.

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My first husband, JOHN Barry, was a composer. I couldn't believe that this sophisticated, TALENTED genius chose me and not any of the other girls. I was so flattered, so excited, so in love with him. Of course, my parents were HORRIFIED, as he'd been married once and had a daughter with the au pair girl.

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