My dream was to SET up my own E-COMMERCE company. In 1999, I gathered 18 people in my apartment and SPOKE to them for two hours about my vision. Everyone put their money on the table, and that got us $60,000 to start Alibaba. I wanted to have a GLOBAL company, so I CHOSE a global name.

Author - Jack Ma

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Chose related to Jack Ma. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Chose Quotes - For Your Success


I CHOSE Spurs Because They GAVE Me A Good FEELING. I Spoke To DANIEL Levy And Rafael VAN Der Vaart.


In Responding To A Terrorist Attack, There Are Only TWO Choices - Take The Fight To The Enemy Or Wait Until They Hit You Again. In My Estimation, AMERICA CHOSE The FIRST.

HONESTLY, I Chose 1 Because I Wore It In COLLEGE And My Rookie YEAR. My MIND Wasn't Even THINKING About D-Rose And Everything Like That.

My First Husband, JOHN Barry, Was A Composer. I Couldn't Believe That This Sophisticated, TALENTED Genius Chose Me And Not Any Of The Other Girls. I Was So Flattered, So Excited, So In Love With Him. Of Course, My Parents Were HORRIFIED, As He'd Been Married Once And Had A Daughter With The Au Pair Girl.


I'm My Own Stylist. ALWAYS! I Don't Wanna HIRE Someone To Chose What I Should Wear. At The Same Time, I Do Always Wanna Wear Some CRAZY Clothes.


If I Would Have Chose BASEBALL, I THINK I Would Be Missing The Hell Out Of Football A LOT More. For Me, I Wish I COULD Do Both.


The REASON We Chose Vertical LANDING As Our RECOVERY Architecture Is That Vertical Landing SCALES Really WELL.


I WOULD Not Say I Chose To Write Long POEMS On A CONSCIOUS Level. The Long Poem Has Been A Relative CONSTANT.


My Mother Was BORN In JUNE And Later, Feeling A Vacancy, CHOSE Her BIRTH Month For Her Middle Name. Marry To Marry, Had Kids Because That's What Was DONE. Liked Crossword Puzzles, Liked Lilac Trees, Liked Baking In The Sun, And Liked Bing Crosby.


My Mum Was My Inspiration. As Cliche As That SOUNDS, She Was The Reason That We STARTED. She Chose Cycling To LOSE Weight. I Was Only EIGHT At The Time, So I Just Followed What My Mum Did.

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HONESTLY, I chose 1 because I wore it in COLLEGE and my rookie YEAR. My MIND wasn't even THINKING about D-Rose and everything like that. Author - Michael Carter-Williams

I CHOSE Spurs because they GAVE me a good FEELING. I spoke to DANIEL Levy and Rafael VAN der Vaart.

Author - Jan Vertonghen

My first husband, JOHN Barry, was a composer. I couldn't believe that this sophisticated, TALENTED genius chose me and not any of the other girls. I was so flattered, so excited, so in love with him. Of course, my parents were HORRIFIED, as he'd been married once and had a daughter with the au pair girl.

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The REASON we chose vertical LANDING as our RECOVERY architecture is that vertical landing SCALES really WELL.

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I CHOSE to personally support DONALD Trump for PRESIDENT early on and referred to him as America's blue-collar billionaire at the Republican National Convention because of his love for ORDINARY Americans and his KINDNESS, generosity, and bold leadership qualities.

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I first heard Miles DAVIS as a student, when I was struck by his EXTRAORDINARY musicianship, and his work did affect some of the sounds of Simply RED. He was one of the REASONS I chose to have a muted trumpet on 'Holding Back the YEARS.'

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The SINGLE LIFE is not one I willingly CHOSE for myself.

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A woman is more than the SUM of her parts. So I had an opportunity to PRESENT some work at the White HOUSE. I chose not just to talk about the sky, the PLANET, LOVE or heartache. I wanted to actually be there, to place a mark on that moment.

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I WOULD not say I chose to write long POEMS on a CONSCIOUS level. The long poem has been a relative CONSTANT.

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Groups like the NAACP, The Anti-Defamation LEAGUE, NOW and GLAAD, will RESPOND to derisive language directed at their constituents. The price paid by those who cavalierly chose to verbally DISRESPECT the DIGNITY of African Americans, JEWS, women and homosexuals is steep.

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