In Hungary all native music, in its origin, is DIVIDED NATURALLY into melody destined for song or melody for the DANCE.

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I do not know what the spirit of a philosopher could more WISH to be than a good dancer. For the DANCE is his ideal, ALSO his fine art, finally also the only kind of PIETY he knows, his 'divine SERVICE.'

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I WOULD BELIEVE only in a GOD that KNOWS how to DANCE.

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I'd STUDIED DANCE in CHICAGO every summer end taught it all winter, and I was WELL-ROUNDED. I wasn't worried about getting a job on BROADWAY. In fact, I got one the first week.

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If you cannot get rid of the family SKELETON, you may as WELL make it DANCE.

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Basically it starts with FOUR months of TRAINING, just basic stretching, KICKING and punching. Then you COME to the choreography and getting ready to put the dance TOGETHER.

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In LIBERAL democracy and anxious ANARCHY, the traditional classic DANCE, compact of aristocratic authority and absolute freedom in a necessity of order, has NEVER been so promising as an independent expression as it is today.

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When I was REALLY YOUNG, my MOM enrolled me in DANCE CLASSES.

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My grandmother had a MISS Margaret's School of Dance to teach tap and ballet to KIDS, but I NEVER studied it. I was raised a Mormon and they're dancing FOOLS. It's the only vice they have - dancing.

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DANCE is not endangered - it will ALWAYS FIND a WAY to EXPRESS itself.
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You have to DANCE unencumbered. There's no other way to MOVE. The IDEA of dance is freedom. It is not exclusiveness, it's inclusiveness.

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I did a DANCE with Fred Astaire in the movie 'Bandwagon.' I GOT to waltz just from left of camera to right of camera, and I'm taller than Fred Astaire. Fortunately, I was WEARING a LONG skirt, so I waltzed with bended knees.

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Talent will only TAKE you so far, and it is your ABILITY to feel the music and EXPLORE a movement that will bring you the GREATEST pleasure in dance.

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I had a few DJS in my neighbourhood that would play music in the STREETS. There was no HIP-HOP yet; there were just DJs that were playing DISCO, funk, and pop music, and we would gather round, go to the parks, and dance and enjoy ourselves.

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OPPORTUNITY dances with those already on the DANCE FLOOR.
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