COMMITTEE - a GROUP of men who individually can do NOTHING but as a group decide that nothing can be done.

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A conference is a GATHERING of people who singly can do NOTHING, but TOGETHER can DECIDE that nothing can be DONE.

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I like all types of women. I accept them as they are when they COME into my life... But I'm not a ROMANTIC. I'm just up-front. I like to be a part of something REAL, not make-believe. I tell women to tell me the truth, to just lay it out. Let me be the judge and decide if I WANT you around or not. Let me have my choice.

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I think it's NICE to be ABLE to MAKE a product, PUT it out there and let other people DECIDE what they think.

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I think a LOT of PEOPLE GET pregnant and decide they can turn into garbage disposals.

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YES, young men, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe. You have CONQUERED and you will conquer still, because you are prepared for the tactics that decide the FATE of battles.

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At a certain point, you have to decide whether you'd be satisfied ALWAYS acknowledging the BEAUTY and the greatness of what other PEOPLE CREATE or if you WANT to be in the same arena.

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The choices we make lead up to actual EXPERIENCES. It is one thing to DECIDE to CLIMB a mountain. It is QUITE another to be on top of it.

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In order to GET what you WANT, you MUST first DECIDE what you want. Most people really foul up at this crucial first step because they SIMPLY can't see how it's possible to get what they want, so they don't even let themselves want it.

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I can't HIT on women in PUBLIC any more. I didn't DECIDE this; it just doesn't FEEL right at my age.

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I've always told Will, 'You can do whatever you want as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and be OKAY.' Because at the end of the day, Will is his own man. I'm here as his PARTNER, but he is his own man. He has to decide who he WANTS to be, and that's not for me to do for him. Or VICE versa.

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Questions regarding the FUTURE of India are not for me to DECIDE. I am not a citizen of India or an INDIAN POLITICIAN.

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Once to EVERY PERSON and NATION COME the moment to decide. In the conflict of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side.

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I SAY to people that it's a choice that we make every day in our lives. Doesn't MATTER what you're GOING through. You don't have to be going through what I went through. But it's whether you decide to get up or stay down, whether you say 'yes' or whether you say 'no' to life. Basically, I decided to say, 'Yes.'

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In money, and in life, you are very OFTEN your own worst ENEMY. You promise yourself you're GOING to DIET, then eat not one or two FRENCH fries but a whole plate. You decide to really commit to saving for retirement, only to wind up with a new pair of shoes in your closet.

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