YES, young men, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe. You have CONQUERED and you will conquer still, because you are prepared for the tactics that decide the FATE of battles.

Author - Giuseppe Garibaldi

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I WANT To Be A Good Steward And Make Sure What's In My HEART Is What God WANTS, And Then Once It's Done And Released, At That POINT It's Up To God And What He Does On The Back End.


I SLEPT With Faith And FOUND A Corpse In My Arms On AWAKENING; I DRANK And Danced All Night With Doubt And Found Her A Virgin In The MORNING.


Even When Poetry Has A MEANING, As It Usually Has, It MAY Be Inadvisable To DRAW It Out... Perfect UNDERSTANDING Will Sometimes Almost Extinguish Pleasure.


Just Try NEW Things. Don't Be Afraid. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zones And SOAR, All RIGHT?


Failure Is Instructive. The PERSON Who Really THINKS Learns Quite As Much From His FAILURES As From His SUCCESSES.


It Is Inexcusable For SCIENTISTS To TORTURE ANIMALS; Let Them MAKE Their Experiments On Journalists And Politicians.


I Was The Conductor Of The UNDERGROUND RAILROAD For Eight YEARS, And I Can Say What Most Conductors Can't Say; I Never RAN My Train Off The Track And I Never Lost A PASSENGER.

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