Consumer culture NEEDS us to be impulsive, while our political culture FEARS that we will EVER develop DISCIPLINE.

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The SECRET is to LISTEN, open your mind, listen to the pros. With the help of the UFC's Performance Institute, too. LISTENING to my coaches and listening to my body, too. Having discipline. It's not just listening, too, because sometimes people have the knowledge but don't know how to use it. You need to be ABLE to put that to practice.

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I just KEEP getting better and keep learning. Keep an open MIND, and live in the moment, and LOVE what I do. Discipline myself, and HARD work.

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With the proper motivation, you can do ANYTHING. I was just a poor KID that ate pork and beans out of a can and apple sauce. I went from rags to RICHES. But it does take a lot of determination, inner strength, drive, and discipline.

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Cycling is UNIQUE in that in any other sport I'd be in a DIFFERENT WEIGHT CATEGORY or discipline. What I do is a different sport to what Chris Froome does.

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I've LEARNED over the YEARS that FREEDOM is just the other SIDE of DISCIPLINE.

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I had to LEARN Odissi DANCE and it is a very DIFFICULT DISCIPLINE.

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There is one thing that GETS you out of bed in the MORNING, and that is DISCIPLINE. Because your dreams and your goals are not there WAKING up for you in the morning.

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I LOVE the DISCIPLINE of shooting FILM, because you don't cover everything, and I'm glad that I learned that way.

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DISCIPLINE is just doing the same THING the right way whether ANYONE's WATCHING or not.

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A second parent in the home provides back-up support in DISCIPLINE when the other is at the breaking POINT, and a doubling of the emotional, INTELLECTUAL, and MORAL resources that a child can draw on.

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This is the world you live in when you're a football player, an ATHLETE. You WANT someone to discipline you. You want to have consistency. You want a guy that PUTS you in position so that you can have SUCCESS.

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I do not WANT to gain a REPUTATION for lacking discipline because I ALWAYS look to play within the LAWS.

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