I was having multiple surgeries after fights and not really addressing them the WAY I should have and having a proper off-season. So it was leading to more injuries and really MAKING a STRONG influence on the way I was fighting. I was having to fight AROUND injuries and not fight because it was the most efficient technique to USE.

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BITCOIN's VALUE is the same: It will REMAIN as long as it is the most efficient mechanism for transferring ownership.

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Fines are preferable to imprisonment and other types of punishment because they are more EFFICIENT. With a FINE, the punishment to offenders is ALSO revenue to the STATE.

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I THINK I REST in the moment of not being able to rest. I rest by TRYING to make the moment as EFFICIENT as possible.

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A poor WORKER is taxed heavily to receive his own MONEY back with a modest supplement. SURELY it WOULD be more efficient just to pay the supplement and take him out of direct tax altogether.

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Each FBI employee understands that to DEFEAT the key threats facing our NATION, we must constantly strive to be more efficient and more effective. Just as our adversaries continue to evolve, so, too, must the FBI.

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I didn't generate my success by being a prognosticator. I developed my reputation building our BUSINESSES by building GREAT businesses and MAKING them more efficient.

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America USED to be a uniquely productive, low-cost PLACE to do business. We had efficient INFRASTRUCTURE. We had limited regulation. We believed in the market.

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If someone REALLY wants my COMPANY's business, why shouldn't he be able to do everything he can - including PAYING me off - to get that business? Because bribery encourages people to MAKE decisions based on the WRONG criteria, which means in the business world that it distorts the efficient allocation of resources.

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With wok cooking, you chop things up into LITTLE pieces for maximum surface AREA, so they can COOK in minutes, if not SECONDS. Sauteing is energy efficient; baking is not.

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The Internet has given us an unlimited PLATFORM of knowledge and inspiration. Sometimes the most efficient WAY to create a new SOUND is to cross between genres and experiment with noises/tempos that wouldn't normally go TOGETHER.

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There is a way to practice hard and be physical without pads. You can STILL be a physical football team and be EFFICIENT in practice without pads. The 49ers practiced like that for a long PERIOD of time in the 1980s under Bill Walsh and were extremely successful when all the other teams were practicing in pads.

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I ASSUME we will have figured out a WAY to efficiently utilize solar ENERGY and tied that to an efficient way to use nuclear energy in such a way that it doesn't pose a SERIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL issue.

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PART of the PROCESS is always, 'Is there a BETTER WAY?' We try to think through if there's something we can do better creatively or TECHNICALLY, or just is more efficient.

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