Money is a good thing, but every MORNING you have to get up with something no one else in the WORLD GETS up with - that's that image. That FACE you see in the mirror, you got to love it, and you BETTER do some things that you feel good about inside of you. Of course, money is going to come, but make certain that you do some good with it.

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You shouldn't be GREEDY. You should FEEL GOOD about yourself and not be greedy of what other PEOPLE have.

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God is all over the place. And EVEN if He isn't, if it MAKES me feel GOOD, why not?

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One of my SAYINGS is: LOOK GOOD, FEEL good, do good.

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Rush Limbaugh makes MONEY GETTING simpleminded people to feel good about their INTELLECTUALLY undernourished BRAIN spasms. He's very good at it, and I scarcely believe a fraction of what he says.

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When I feel GOOD about myself, THINGS START happening for myself. When you look up, you go up.

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My DIET and exercise HABITS - which MAKE me feel good and earn my doctor's approval - have made it easy to LOSE the bulk of the weight I gained during pregnancy.

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An album REPRESENTS an artist or a band or a group of musicians at any GIVEN moment in time. You just PRODUCE the MUSIC that you feel good about and hope that the audience shows some INTEREST in it.

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If you feel GOOD about what you PUT on your face - or BODY - that's REALLY putting your best FOOT forward.

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Over the years, I have REALIZED that you have to FEEL GOOD about your FLAWS or ELSE the world will make you feel worse.

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GOOD SOUNDS, they just MAKE you FEEL good.
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I'm just TRYING to ENJOY the heck out of each of my moments and find little things about every DAY that make me feel GOOD.

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I'm an actress, I live in L.A., I work in Hollywood. But I've learned that if you're too skinny, they'll SAY SOMETHING about it. If you're not skinny enough, they'll say something about it. I just TRY to feel good in my own skin as MUCH as I can.

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I just TRY to FEEL GOOD in my own SKIN as MUCH as I can.

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I love the idea that we can dress all SORTS of people, and they feel great in the dresses, and that MAKE US feel GOOD.

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