When I feel GOOD about myself, THINGS START happening for myself. When you look up, you go up.

Author - Herschel Walker

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Posted on 28 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Feel Good related to Herschel Walker. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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Being A Woman WRITER, I Would Be Deceiving Myself If I Said I Write Completely Through The Eye Of A Man. There's Nothing Bad In It, But That Does Not MAKE Me A Feminist Writer. I HATE That Name. The TAG Is From The WESTERN World - Like We Are Called The Third World.


I Moved To LOS Angeles When I Was About 20, All By Myself. It Was Exciting. I Had This MOMENT When I FELT Like I NEEDED To PUT On My Big-boy Pants And Just Make That Leap To See What Would Happen.

WORKING With Julie Andrews Is LIKE GETTING Hit Over The HEAD With A Valentine.

I Have A Little Bit Of A Pet Peeve About How The Middle Class Is Depicted In MOVIES. I Feel LIKE They Tend To Be Either Depicted In A Very Sentimental Way, Where Everybody Has A Heart Of Gold EXCEPT For The Villains You're Supposed To Hiss At, Or There's A SORT Of Indie-style Version... When It's DONE Well, It's Brilliant, It's 'Blue Velvet.'

LOVE Is An EXPLODING Cigar We Willingly SMOKE.
MUSIC Is My BREATH, Blood And Food - WITHOUT Music I Would Perish; The ACTOR In Me Would Die.

I Actually Have A DEGREE In Music And Was Aware That Music Was A TOOL Used In Therapy. I Didn't REALIZE How Far It Had COME Since I Was In College In The Mid-seventies.


My LIFE. The Life I'm LIVING That's Where All My INSPIRATION Comes From. REAL Life EXPERIENCES.

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