PEOPLE at .08 are too impaired to drive. Studies show that at .08, the ABILITY to perform CRITICAL DRIVING functions is decreased by as MUCH as 60 percent.
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In L.A., wives can FLY on the plane; with the Yankees, they can't. With other teams, the wives always have functions to BRING them TOGETHER. Not here. You don't know what half the wives LOOK like.

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We WORKED out a LOT of bugs and figured out who was working and who wasn't and how this beast FUNCTIONS. It was a lot bigger than we ACTUALLY THOUGHT, and now we have a well-run ship where it feels I can actually have time to imagine and not just stress out about everything.

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The baritone can SERVE FUNCTIONS that the ALTO and tenor cannot, in orchestral voicing.

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Women need to be in KEY operational roles where they RUN BUSINESSES in the organization. Sometimes when ORGANIZATIONS focus on leadership diversity, they're mostly in AREAS like HR or non-operating line functions.

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Today, you have neuroscientists working on a genetic, behavioural or cognitive LEVEL, and then you have informaticians, chemists and MATHEMATICIANS. They all have their own understanding of how the brain FUNCTIONS and is STRUCTURED. How do you get them all around the same table?

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For some in WASHINGTON, it's become sport to pick on the FEDERAL WORKFORCE. I think they do so unjustly. The very foundation of a STABLE America is having a government that functions well. MANY countries have dysfunctional governments, because they don't have a good government workforce.

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WITHOUT a possibility of change in MEANINGS human COMMUNICATION could not perform its PRESENT functions.
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The WHO is the lead agency in HEALTH in the United Nations system, and clearly we have very IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS to play.

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I don't view myself as a MUSICIAN anymore - I view myself as a human being that functions as a musician when I'm functioning as a musician, but that's not 24 hours a day. That's REALLY opened me up to EVEN more perspectives because now I LOOK at music, not from the standpoint of being a musician, but from the standpoint of being a human being.

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One of the most important functions of jazz has been to ENCOURAGE a hope for FREEDOM, for people living in SITUATIONS of INTOLERANCE or STRUGGLE.

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In FRONT of the WORLD, all of a sudden I'm a great ATHLETE and I'm put into an environment with 25 other women and I'm expected to GO to team meals, team functions.

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The secret to the city is INTEGRATION. Every AREA of the city should combine WORK, leisure and culture. Separate these functions and parts of the city die.

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The threshold question: Will BANKS continue to exist? The answer is YES, because society will still need the two essential FUNCTIONS they provide: mobilization of CAPITAL from providers to USERS, and facilitation of payments for goods and services.

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