If you're a CHEERLEADER, PEOPLE SEE you. If you're a mascot, you're just HELPING out.

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I LIKE to be involved with the scriptwriter early on, HELPING SHAPE the story, and WORKING out how the story can be told directorially.

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I've ALWAYS been a mystery fan. My very FIRST grown-up book, I distinctly remember going to the library and my MOM helping me pick out an Agatha Christie book. I was in fifth grade or something and very PROUD of being in the adult fiction aisles. I tore through 'The Mysterious Affair at Styles.'

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CLEAN energy is about offering people the opportunity to do what's RIGHT for themselves and the people they love. It's about reducing the pollution that makes people SICK. It's about helping the low-income FAMILIES struggling to PAY their gas and electricity bills.
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YES, well I really HOPE I can make a difference, EVEN in the smallest way. I am looking forward to helping as much as I can.
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I think it is incumbent on anyone who can to lift HUMAN DIGNITY to the highest possible levels, MAINTAINING one's own and helping to RAISE that of others.

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Attention is the fundamental instrument we use for learning, thinking, communicating, deciding, yet NEITHER parents nor schools SPEND any time HELPING YOUNG people learn how to manage information streams and control the ways they deploy their attention.

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I've always been PASSIONATE about the concept of helping the underdog. It just doesn't make sense to me as to what kind of person would take a huge platform and not use it to do SOMETHING, to change something, to help PEOPLE.

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I'm not a big AA GUY, but I'll go every once in a while. They do tell you that going out and helping other people really helps you a lot. It SEEMS like a SIMPLE thing to SAY, but it's really true.

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We LEARNED about DIGNITY and DECENCY - that how hard you WORK matters more than how much you make... that HELPING others means more than just getting ahead yourself.

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You give to GET. WHETHER it's helping SOMEONE or TRAINING a kid, I BELIEVE you will be rewarded in some way.

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We HOPE that by SHARING my experience - our experience, Lennon and I - that somebody who is GOING through this process or HELPING their loved one through it might feel less alone, and might even have some better information for their cancer CARE.

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I understand the WORRIES of many - not only here in this auditorium -, and some have already written to me to SAY that technical PROGRESS has lowered the THRESHOLD that stops people from helping themselves to protected works without the slightest embarrassment.

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I never THOUGHT in TERMS of being a LEADER. I thought very SIMPLY in terms of helping people.

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When you play sports like TENNIS, you're alone, and that's a good SCHOOL for life, but it's also a good school for life to bring your best and MAKE those around you better, too - HELPING others in difficult moments.

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