Nothing is so beautiful as spring - when weeds, in WHEELS, shoot long and lovely and lush; Thrush's eggs LOOK little LOW heavens, and thrush through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring the EAR, it strikes like lightning to hear him sing.

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PEOPLE say, 'Well you know the economy's bad, so China consumption will be LOW. No, TOTALLY different. You Americans love to SPEND TOMORROW's money, and other people's money maybe... We Chinese love to save money.

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The first step to optimising testosterone is EATING right. That means cutting out the processed junk food and focusing on high quality PROTEINS, CARBS, fats, and an ABUNDANCE of FRUITS and vegetables. Don't fall into the 'low fat' eating trap, as this will seriously inhibit your testosterone production.

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Technological INNOVATION has dramatically lowered the cost of COMPUTING, MAKING it possible for large numbers of CONSUMERS to own powerful new technologies at reasonably low PRICES.

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A mere APE in our world MAY be a scholar in its own, and the low life of any beast may be a SOURCE of deep satisfaction for the beast itself.

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When I was trying to get into ACTING, to have been a model was about as low as you COULD get in the acting profession. But that wasn't SEXISM, it was SNOBBERY, which I KNEW and took very humbly.

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The problem with the standard American diet, a primary CAUSE of our current obesity EPIDEMIC, is the fact that the MAJORITY of FOODS consumed are high in calories and LOW in micronutrients.

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Writing is REPORTING what we saw after the vision has left us. It is CATCHING the FISH which the tide has left far up on our SHORES in the LOW and depressed places.

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It is a shame that homebrew development can't be officially sanctioned and supported, because it would be a wonderful platform for a MODERN generation of programmers to be able to get a real feel for low level design work, to be contrasted with the HIGH level web and APPLICATION work that so MANY entry level people start with.

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When I'm not WORKING, I'm really, really low key. I don't WEAR makeup UNLESS I have to; I don't get my hair DONE unless I really need to.

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Those old Appalachian singers use a falsetto sometimes. They can change their voices to SOUND high or low or really scratchy. When you're SINGING, usually you're trying to express some KIND of pain or JOY. I think that VOICE allows me to do a lot more of that.

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I had originally done a production called 'The RESISTANCE.' It was one of those underground guerilla things, very low budget. Then Starz and Ghost HOUSE ended up picking it up and FUNDING it, and we reshot it.

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All horses are different - sometimes they have a LONG NECK - so you don't ride the same way on every horse. It depends on their body, and your body, but the object is to get down low so you're aerodynamic, so you CALL PULL from the horse through the head. The best jockeys do that really well, and know how MUCH to push.

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I had LOW SELF-ESTEEM. I just really WANTED ATTENTION and love from SOMEBODY.

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POP MUSIC will NEVER be LOW brow.

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