English football is evolving. It's no longer the game it USED to be. Apart from the larger quantities of money which make it more attractive to FOREIGN STARS, the mentality is ALSO different - everybody looks to WIN games no matter what, even if it means taking risks.

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I prefer being around young people. I don't LIKE situations from the PAST, definitely no nostalgia. I prefer to THINK of doing EVERYTHING new with a different generation that has a different mentality.

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In the '70s and '80s, the mentality of AMERICA was that everything was disposable. The notion of QUALITY wasn't IMPORTANT.

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I'm a perfectionist. And that's served me very WELL in my CAREER. It allows me to handle these LARGE, complex problems WITHOUT letting things fall through the cracks... That is the mentality you have to have to attack these complex problems of chip design, for example, when you're overwhelmed with complexity.

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While PEOPLE are QUICK to praise the wisdom of the CROWD, being an old-school journalist, I look at the wisdom of the crowd and KNOW it can QUICKLY turn into a mob mentality.

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There is always going to be that luxury customer out there. I have CLIENTS who BUY $10,000 dresses and clients who buy $60 dresses. It's not so MUCH about the money. Design is a mentality.

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We BELIEVE that African FOOTBALL is AMONG the BEST in the world and very much characterized the Puma brand mentality, which is to win.

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You just have to keep the same mentality of trying to prove yourself every SINGLE day. But it's a LOT of easier when you have PEOPLE TELLING you how bad you are than when people are telling you how good you are.

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I applied the same mentality to my social MEDIA as I did when I was doing my boot camps. I thought, well, no one's watching, but I'll KEEP adding value, putting out good RECIPES, funny workouts and good VIDEOS. And it grew and grew.

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Having grown up in a Catholic family, while I FELT LIKE I was never CONSCIOUS of any blatant anti-Semitism, I was aware of a slightly insidious, us-versus-them mentality. A lot of my best friends and early GIRLFRIENDS were JEWISH, and I encountered what was more of a suburban small-mindedness, of people needing to defend their tribe.

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To go back to a 1950s voice mentality with Title II and net neutrality would be a TREMENDOUS MISTAKE for our COUNTRY.

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I have a perfectionist MENTALITY; I want THINGS to be right. But I've had a LITTLE duel over the years with that mentality. Because it can inhibit you.

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I'll ALWAYS have a score-first MENTALITY, because that is my BREAD and BUTTER on the FLOOR.

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I love CREATING OPPORTUNITIES for people. I THINK it's my ORPHAN mentality.

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I'm a Detroit kid who grew up with that ASSEMBLY LINE mentality: You go to WORK to MAKE money.

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