I have a perfectionist MENTALITY; I want THINGS to be right. But I've had a LITTLE duel over the years with that mentality. Because it can inhibit you.

Author - Jon Voight

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Posted on 31 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Mentality related to Jon Voight. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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The LIFE Expectancy Is Much Longer TODAY Than It Was When Social Security Was CREATED.


What WOMAN Doesn't Want To GO Out There And KICK Some Butt? I Did It With A SWORD In 'Conan,' I Did It With A Crossbow In 'G.I. Joe,' And I've Got My Multi-tool And My Super-suit In 'Continuum.' It's Really A Release, And It's Quite Cool.


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I Love To RELAX. It's My Favorite Thing In The World. I Am Very Good At Being Like A Grandma And Staying In And WATCHING 'Game Of THRONES' Or A Movie. I Think I COULD Do That Every NIGHT.


I Love 'Victoria's Secret Sport' Because What They Do So Well Is The Fit And How It Makes You FEEL. They Sculpt All The Right PARTS Of Your Body. Plus, There's So Much To Choose From - Colors, PRINTS, And Cool Details. It's Dangerous - You WANT Everything.


You Only Worry About Your HEAD Or Spinal Column. EVERYTHING ELSE, Some WAY Or Another, Will Repair In Time.




Food Is Entertainment Now. PEOPLE Tune Into 'Top CHEF,' And They're Not TRYING To Replicate The Recipes. Anthony Bourdain Is Entertainment. Instagramming Your DISHES Is Entertainment.


Doing The Classics Is Always Nice Because It's A PART Of The Archive, And That's What PEOPLE LOVE To Hear, And I Don't MIND That.

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