Too many COUNTRIES that do not PLAY by the free trade rules of the World Trade ORGANIZATION - including, notably mercantilist CHINA and monopolist Saudi Arabia - have been allowed in, to the detriment of both the WTO and the liberal trading environment it is supposed to sponsor.

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Large ORGANIZATION is LOOSE organization. Nay, it would be almost as true to SAY that organization is ALWAYS disorganization.

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An ORGANIZATION's INTELLIGENCE is distributed to the POINT of being ubiquitous.

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The 'Ndrangheta is an exceptionally dangerous, sophisticated and insidious CRIMINAL organization, with tentacles stretching from Italy to COUNTRIES AROUND the world.

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If you WANT to change the culture, you will have to START by changing the ORGANIZATION.

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I would love to get in TROUBLE with the Catholic Church. I'm not religious myself, but my issue is with the ORGANIZATION. It's an organization of MEN - it's not about FAITH.

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EVERY vital organization owes its BIRTH and life to an exciting and DARING IDEA.
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The CHIEF strategist of an ORGANIZATION has to be the LEADER - the CEO.

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People in my organization were very OUTSPOKEN about what we should be doing with the DEPARTMENT of Defense. One of them is work on autonomous WEAPONS. That, to me, is SOMETHING I don't want to work on or have anything to do with.

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We TEND to THINK of the mind of an organization residing in the CEO and the organization's top managers, perhaps with the HELP of OUTSIDE consultants that they CALL in. But that is not really how an organization thinks.

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What is Oracle? It's people. We RELY on our HR department to build this ORGANIZATION, to HELP find those people, to help GROW those people.

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A WOMAN has a different type of sensitivity than a man. Their perspective of right and wrong is different and their perspective of life is different. They're more idealistic. They have greater FAITH in people than men and they can ADD that to an all-male ORGANIZATION.

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I am an ambassador for a nonprofit organization and I love being ABLE to help people CRUSH their barriers. I recently wrote a BOOK. I want to do more with my life and help people do more with their lives, whatever that looks LIKE.

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