Had I been OLDER, I would've never been ABLE to PULL it off because I would've analyzed it to DEATH. When I was 16, there was no such thing as 'what if.'

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I'm ALWAYS KEEN to HEAD to where the greatest gravitation pull is tugging me.

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The Orion capsule uses an escape SYSTEM quite LIKE that of the Apollo spacecraft in the 1960S and 70s: an 'escape TOWER' containing a solid-fuel rocket that will pull it up and AWAY from Ares I in a pinch.

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Sometimes I don't even pull my shoes off for six weeks at a TIME, except, you know, just to TAKE a shower. I just take breaks between 24 hours a DAY, just a break now and then, it don't take me LONG to rest; maybe 20 to30 minutes sometime, or maybe an hour.

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Every GOVERNMENT SAYS they LOVE small BUSINESSES, but what have they done for them? We should pull down all the barriers.

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It's AMAZING the HOURS you PULL when you're the LEAD of a SHOW.

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As the number of people who work at Basecamp has grown, I've noticed PLACES where we could USE more features, like MANAGEMENT, structure, and guidelines. I've ALSO noticed places where we've overengineered ourselves and should pull back.

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One thing Jim McGreevey wants the WORLD to know: LEADING a DOUBLE life as a gay man trying to appear straight was EASY for him to pull off. He was 'good' at it. Not only that - it helped him become a better POLITICIAN.

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I SAY a murder is ABSTRACT. You PULL the TRIGGER and after that you do not understand ANYTHING that happens.

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There's obviously a push to protect the quarterback, but you have to give the defensive PLAYERS a CHANCE. All of the quarterback has to do is pull the BALL, and he's a RUNNER. How's the defender going to KNOW if the ball is pulled or not?

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The last thing I want to do is complain; I love what I do, and I KNOW every job comes with a downside. But boy, this one's a doozy...You pull out of your driveway, and the paparazzi LITERALLY chase you, running red lights - I'm a REALLY CAREFUL driver, especially with my kids in the CAR, but I worry they're going to cause an accident.

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I keep working with fairly inexperienced directors. You know, if you have a GOOD crew, a good cameraman, you know, I know what I'm doing. If the actors know what they're doing, we can all PULL TOGETHER, and it WORKS.

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We've GOT to be Americans FIRST. We've got to PULL TOGETHER and UNITE.

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MEMORY is a MAGNET. It will pull to it and hold only material nature has DESIGNED it to ATTRACT.
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Sometimes you have to not just dream about what could be - you get out and PUSH and you PULL and you preach. And you create a climate and environment to get those in high places, to get men and women of good will in POWER to act.

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