PEOPLE LOOK at me as an exotic person, which is great, because WHATEVER HOLLYWOOD is, it seems very dogmatic to me, especially when you're a WOMAN. But I always get excused because I'm German.
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NOTHING is so GOOD as it SEEMS beforehand.
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Even the GREATEST poets, I think, cannot QUITE get to the places that music can get to in the human - I was gonna say MIND, but it's actually the ENTIRE body. It somehow seems to infuse the entire body.

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The wonderful thing about being an ARTIST in L.A. is that there is no TASTE. There's ANARCHY of taste, which SEEMS good to me.

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Nothing is EVER as BAD as it SEEMS. Nor does it ever LAST as LONG as you think.

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There seems to me nothing very BAD about a nation's capital having GOOD intentions - and when the intentions are MAGNIFICENT, so much the better.

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I recently lost 50 POUNDS. I'm hovering on the CUSP of a SIZE eight, which SEEMS unbelievable.

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A BEE is NEVER as BUSY as it SEEMS; it's just that it can't BUZZ any slower.

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I have a lot of FAITH in PRESIDENT Obama. The THING that seems to be true of him is that he doesn't speak when you would expect him to speak. He's very measured in his RESPONSE to things. He likes to get all the facts first before he shoots his mouth off. It makes me crazy; it makes a lot of people crazy.

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I'm under the IMPRESSION that this notion of decency is disappearing from our society where conflicts are made WORSE on cinema and on television, where people are NASTY and cruel on the Internet and where, in general, everybody SEEMS to be very angry.

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POLITICS is a rough and tumble BUSINESS, and yet there SEEMS to be an effort by the commentariat to sanitise American politics to some type of high-level Victorian debating society.
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