Hope and Crosby MADE seven 'Road' movies, starting in 1940 with 'Road to Singapore.' The movies were always about Crosby and Hope fleeing AMERICA and finding Dorothy Lamour in some exotic LOCATION. Bob's character was cocky and cowardly; Bing's character was smooth and unruffled. They were great characters - lousy, lovable guys.

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The ROAD to DEMOCRACY is RARELY SMOOTH, but for Egyptian WOMEN, it has been exceptionally bumpy.

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BREATHING is FUNDAMENTAL to SPEECH. A stammer is CAUSED by erratic airflow, so if you have a SMOOTH airflow, you have smooth speech.
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I don't think anybody can totally change what they are. I'd ALWAYS been a strident individual, but cancer does smooth off a lot of the edges. I have been LUCKY to have survived an extra 12 YEARS of my life with my wife and DAUGHTER.

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I was definitely acutely AWARE, the transition of being seen as a CHILD ACTOR to being taken seriously as an ADULT actor. It's not always a SMOOTH one.

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Like ministers of information, consultants condense the message, smooth out the dissonances, UNIFY the RHETORIC, and then REPEAT and amplify it ad nauseam through the CLIENT's RANK and file.

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Evaporated milk is a HIGHLY concentrated source of milk protein micelles - bundles of proteins that can ACT as POWERFUL emulsifying agents - which help to keep the sauce creamy and SMOOTH.

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I'm the kind of PERSON that if I try to throw it hard, it doesn't come out as good. So my WHOLE THOUGHT process is to stay SMOOTH, stay on top of the ball, and just get my hand out in front.

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We have actors from other films, from 'Baywatch,' and so on, and these people are looking EXACTLY the opposite of what they are. The transformations were so smooth, and so funny to WATCH, it was UNBELIEVABLE.

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To us large creatures, space-time is LIKE the sea seen from an ocean liner, smooth and serene. Up close, though, on tiny SCALES, it's WAVES and BUBBLES. At extremely fine scales, pockets and bubbles of space-time can form at random, sputtering into being, then dissolving.

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The New LABOUR political ELITE has long conspired to secure a so-called 'smooth transition' for Blair's successor. This would amount to little more than the imposition of a leader on the party and our supporters WITHOUT any real democratic participation.

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REACTIONARY conservatives are smiling through the racial apocalypse. To them, race baiting is a joke, as 'humorist' Rush Limbaugh will tell you when he's calling MEXICANS 'stupid.' Or it's a matter of semantics when they claim that Sonia Sotomayor is a 'racialist' which, far as I can tell, is the smooth JAZZ VERSION of being a racist.
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I sometimes apply eyeliner - Giorgio ARMANI SMOOTH SILK Eye Pencil in #1 Black - and smudge it with my FINGERS really quickly to give it a little lift, almost a cat eye. It's all about giving a lift now.

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I'm OBSESSED with Minnie Riperton's VOICE: it's like a SMOOTH RIVER of ice cold STRAWBERRY milk.

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The IRONY is that the more we FIGHT AGE, the more it shows. Paint on a 50-year-old face brings to mind a Gilbert and Sullivan comic figure. SMOOTH the cheeks, and suddenly the EAR lobes and hands look out of place. Do we run around in October, painting the gold leaves green?

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