How DIFFERENT WOULD this COUNTRY be if few were engaged in making money and MANY in making things.

Author - Vincent McNabb

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10+ Most View Greek Quotes - For Your Success


'Star Wars' Is Mythology. It's Like GREEK Mythology Or Shakespeare. It's The Story Of Good Versus Evil Over A Very LONG Span Of TIME. The Storytelling Is UNIVERSAL And TIMELESS.


People Who Look At GREEK Statues NEVER SAY It's A Shame Because They're Not COMPLETE.


It Was A GREEK TRAGEDY. Nixon Was FULFILLING His Own Nature. Once It Started It COULD Not End OTHERWISE.


All That We Call IDEAL In Greek Or Any Other Art, Because To US It Is False And Visionary, Was, To The MAKERS Of It, TRUE And Existent.


Greek Was Very Much A Live LANGUAGE, And A Language Still Unconscious Of Grammar, Not, Like Ours, Dominated By DEFINITIONS And TRAINED Upon Dictionaries.


The HIGHER Greek Poetry Did Not MAKE Up Fictitious PLOTS; Its Business Was To Express The HEROIC Saga, The Myths.


My PARENTS Divorced. There Was The Usual Awkward Business Of GOING Between Them, But I Was Mostly With My Mother. She Remarried To A Greek Painter Nico Ghika, So We Were Always Around ARTISTS And INTELLECTUALS.


My Mother, Dorothy Watson, Had MET My Father In A Greek CLASS At Northwestern University.


So It Won't Be A SURPRISE When The Greek Default Actually HAPPENS And We Expect It One Way Or The Other To Be Relatively SOON.


I Was 11 When I Started Latin - Not Like BOYS, Who Start EARLY At Prep School. At 14, You Had To Choose Whether To Start Greek And DROP German, But My MUM Made A FUSS, And I Took Latin, Greek, French, And German At O-level, Which Meant I Didn't Do Much Science.

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Author - George Papandreou

I go to church for the cultural element. It's where you go to see GREEK people once a week. It's real important to me, and I hope my CHILDREN see they're part of SOMETHING BIGGER than just this family.

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The HIGHER Greek poetry did not MAKE up fictitious PLOTS; its business was to express the HEROIC saga, the myths.

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Greek was very much a live LANGUAGE, and a language still unconscious of grammar, not, like ours, dominated by DEFINITIONS and TRAINED upon dictionaries.

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People who look at GREEK statues NEVER SAY it's a shame because they're not COMPLETE.

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You don't want to sell a business to SOMEONE that you THINK is a Dane, or an American, or a Greek, then find out it's Chinese money or CONTROL BEHIND it.

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It was a GREEK TRAGEDY. Nixon was FULFILLING his own nature. Once it started it COULD not end OTHERWISE.

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