I ALWAYS loved the verve and vivacity of pulp and I KIND of merged it with my own interest in FAMILY stories.

Author - Daniel Woodrell

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I NEVER GO Perform SOMEWHERE Alone. I've Done That Since DAY One. I've Always Taken Other Comics With Me.


If We're Gonna Progress As A People We Are GOING To REALISE That, As One Of My Favourite POETS Says, The Other Is A LIE. There Are No Other People. Race Is A Social Construct.

ANOTHER Side To Me Is This Very SEXUAL Being. When I Look BACK On My LIFE, It's Always Been There. It's Been There Since I Was 10 Years OLD, Having The Imagination That I Had.

I'm Always In That Mode - WHENEVER I Have A Little FREE Time, I'm Always Recording Songs, WRITING, Whatever I Gotta Do. It's LIKE My Job Is My Vacation.


We Have A Very Physical PERFORMANCE Art. A Lot Of Times, When You Want To Achieve A Certain Emotion, You Have To USE Professional Wrestling Ingredients, Which Are Moves Or A SEQUENCE Of Moves.


I Don't BELIEVE In AUDITIONING. I'm A BAD Auditioner. I Don't LIKE It.


When I Was On My Own In A HOTEL ROOM In Romania, I Had The IMAGINATION To KEEP Myself Occupied.


All I WATCH Is War MOVIES. The STORIES Be Touching... Just To See What They Go Through On Both SIDES Of The Fence.

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