I usually tried to stay in the net for 45 MINUTES, HALF an hour LONGER than most batsmen would stick at the county nets. There was a REASON for this so-called gluttony of practice: it was a conscious effort to make myself concentrate for long periods of time in circumstances as CLOSE to the real thing as I could make them.

Author - Geoffrey Boycott

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Like Many Men Who Play TENNIS, When I Hit A Ball Into The Net, I TEND To Look Daggers At My Racket, Reproaching It For PLAYING So BADLY When I Myself Have Been Trying So Hard.


Their EVERY Instinct - And I Have To Say This Is WITHOUT EXCEPTION - Is To Iron Out The Bumps, And It's ALWAYS The Bumps That Are The Most INTERESTING Stuff.


Being Gay And Being A Woman Has One Big Thing In COMMON, Which Is That We Both BECOME Invisible After The Age Of 42. Who WANTS A Gay 50-year-old? No One, Let Me TELL You.


If You've EVER Made CHANGE In The Offering Plate, You MIGHT Be A REDNECK.


By The End Of The 1980s, Seattle Had Taken On The Dangerous Lustre Of A PROMISED CITY. The Rumour Had Gone Out That If You Had Failed In DETROIT You Might Yet Succeed In Seattle - And That If You'd Succeeded In Seoul, You Could Succeed Even Better In Seattle... Seattle Was The COMING Place. So I Joined The LINE Of Hopefuls.


Very Few Things Are Totally Devoid Of Any Possibility Of HUMOR. If You Are Aware Of That Possibility And Alive To The Scene Becoming That Way, Then It Just Happens NATURALLY. That's What I Feel Living Is LIKE, Too. I Find A LOT Of Things That Make Me Smile Or Make Me Laugh Over The COURSE Of The Day.


I Don't Know Why People Keep Banging On About The '60s. I CAME From A Conventional Family And I Didn't Go Off With DIFFERENT People - I Rather WISH I Had Now, Seeing All The FUN Everyone ELSE Was Having.


If You EVER Start FEELING Like You Have The Goofiest, Craziest, Most Dysfunctional Family In The World, All You Have To Do Is Go To A State Fair. Because Five Minutes At The Fair, You'll Be Going, 'you Know, We're Alright. We Are Dang NEAR ROYALTY.'


But I SUPPOSE FILM Is Distinctive Because Of Its NATURE, Of Its Being ABLE To Cut Through Time With Editing.

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