I'd love to have a program like 'Dr. Laura.' I studied psychology at the University of MIAMI, and when I rode the bus HOME from school, perfect STRANGERS would strike up conversations with me and end up telling me their life STORIES. I think they could sense that I was studying to help people. That, or I have a face like a PRIEST.

Author - Gloria Estefan

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10+ Most View War Quotes - For Your Success


Courage - A Perfect SENSIBILITY Of The Measure Of DANGER, And A Mental WILLINGNESS To Endure It.


Despite Japan's Desires And Efforts, UNFORTUNATE DIFFERENCES In The Ways That Japan, England, The United States, And China Understood CIRCUMSTANCES, Together With Misunderstandings Of Attitudes, MADE It Impossible For The PARTIES To Agree.


Justice Has NOTHING To Do With VICTOR Nations And Vanquished Nations, But Must Be A Moral Standard That All The WORLD's Peoples Can AGREE To. To Seek This And To Achieve It - That Is TRUE Civilization.


To Me Our Bombing Policy Appears To Be SUICIDAL. Not Because It Does Not Do Vast DAMAGE To Our Enemy, It Does; But Because, SIMULTANEOUSLY, It Does Vast Damage To Our Peace AIM, Unless That Aim Is MUTUAL Economic And Social Annihilation.


At No PERIOD Of Our Political Existence Had We So MUCH Cause To Felicitate Ourselves At The PROSPEROUS And Happy Condition Of Our COUNTRY.

AIR WARFARE Is A Shot Through The BRAIN, Not A Hacking To Pieces Of The ENEMY's Body.

To Fight And CONQUER In All Our Battles Is Not Supreme EXCELLENCE; Supreme Excellence Consists In BREAKING The Enemy's RESISTANCE Without Fighting.

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To fight and CONQUER in all our battles is not supreme EXCELLENCE; supreme excellence consists in BREAKING the enemy's RESISTANCE without fighting.

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Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE, and eliminate labor LAWS and FARM programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.

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There is no HOPE unmingled with FEAR, and no fear unmingled with hope.

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Safety and security are the most BASIC job of government. I understand that - both as a mayor who works every day to SECURE public safety and reduce crime, and also as someone who deployed in uniform to Afghanistan because I believed joining the MILITARY was part of my DUTY to help keep my COUNTRY safe.

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