I've always FELT it's RIDICULOUS to say, of any of the FEMALES in my LIFE: You're my friend, you're my wife, you're my girlfriend, you're my co-worker. This is your BOX, and you're not allowed to stray outside of it.

Author - Jack White

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I Think We Have To Face RIGHT In The Center Of The Hurricane, If You Will, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Foibles And Faults. I Think That We Do No Good To Ourselves And Do No Honor To Him By Pretending That He Did Not FAIL, That He Did Not WRESTLE Greatly And, At Times, Surrender To His Own SINS And His Own Faults And Failures.


Only Those Who Will RISK Going Too FAR Can Possibly FIND Out How Far One Can Go.


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The AVERAGE RAP LIFE Is Two Or Three Albums. You're Lucky To Get To Your Second Album In Rap!


The Books That Help You Most Are Those Which Make You Think That Most. The HARDEST Way Of Learning Is That Of EASY Reading; But A Great Book That Comes From A Great Thinker Is A Ship Of THOUGHT, DEEP Freighted With Truth And Beauty.

HUMOR, For Me, Is Really A Gate Of Departure. It's A Way Of ENTICING A Reader Into A Poem So That LESS Funny Things Can TAKE PLACE Later. It Really Is Not An End In Itself, But A Means To An End.


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