I've pitched too many innings and pitched too many years - one game doesn't MAKE or BREAK my CAREER.

Author - Jamie Moyer

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10+ Most View Fear Quotes - For Your Success


I Don't THINK I'm Like Any Of The CHARACTERS I've Played - They're All REALLY FAR From Who I Am.

EVERYBODY's BUSINESS Is NOBODY's Business, And Nobody's Business Is My Business.

How Far You Go In Life Depends On Your Being Tender With The YOUNG, Compassionate With The Aged, Sympathetic With The STRIVING And Tolerant Of The WEAK And STRONG. Because Someday In Your Life You Will Have Been All Of These.


Oh Well, When I Was Younger I Was Known For Breaking HEARTS. I Am The Kind Of PERSON That Falls Passionately In Love But Then A COUPLE Of Months Down The Line, I FALL Out Of Love.


They Say I Was A Bad BATMAN, That It Was My Fault, That I BURIED The Franchise. But The Truth Is, It Was A Big Project. I Was PRETTY Intimidated In That World. I Did The Best I Could In The SITUATION I Was Given.


If EVERYONE REALLY Knew What A Jerk I Am In REAL Life, I Wouldn't Be So Adored In The Slightest.


I Have This Certain Vision Of The Way I WANT My Comics To Look; This Sort Of Photographic Realism, But With A Certain Abstraction That Comics Can GIVE. It's Kind Of A FINE Line.


Love Is The WHOLE HISTORY Of A WOMAN's Life, It Is But An Episode In A Man's.

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Offense is about RHYTHM and TIMING, and you're not going to always have that EVERY game.

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