Most of the WOMEN I SAW on TV didn't seem like people I ACTUALLY knew. They FELT like ideas of what women are.

Author - Shonda Rhimes

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A LOT Of PEOPLE Are SHOCKED When They HEAR That I PLAYED A 14-year-old.


My PERSONAL Style Can Be EVERYTHING From GIRLY And Flirty To EDGY And Chic.


Some WOMEN Are NATURALLY Thin. But There Needs To Be An Appreciation For A VARIETY Of Types Of Women Because We Don't All Come In One Package. We're Not Pre-destined To All Be A SIZE Six.


My Mum Is Very Driven And Has Always Kept Me BUSY... She Used To Say To Me, 'Nobody Likes A Teenager. So Use Your Teenage YEARS To WORK. Then Enjoy Your LIFE When You're SLIGHTLY Older.'


When You Do A MOVIE, You Don't Know When It's Going To Come Out. In A YEAR, You Forget About It.


My Father Told Me When I Went To COLLEGE That I Needed To Take An ACCOUNTING Class. I Enrolled And Went The First Day. I Didn't Understand A Thing That Was Being Said And DROPPED The Class. I Really Regret That Decision. I Should Have Stuck It Out And Learned The BASICS Of Accounting, But I Took The EASY Way Out.

AMERICA Seems MUCH More Diverse And Has More Exciting Casting - They REALLY Take RISKS.

I Didn't LIKE Progressive Jazz Or Anything. ROCK Was SOMETHING I Like To LISTEN To.

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