Part of the REASON for the UGLINESS of adults, in a CHILD's EYES, is that the child is usually looking upwards, and few faces are at their BEST when seen from below.

Author - George Orwell

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Posted on 31 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Adult related to George Orwell. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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10+ Most View Architecture Quotes - For Your Success


We Were Emerging From The Period Of WAR, Of UNIFORMS, Of Women-soldiers BUILT Like Boxers. I Drew Women-flowers, SOFT Shoulders, Fine Waists Like Liana And Wide Skirts Like Corolla.

WORDS Are Most Malignant, The Most Treacherous POSSESSION Of MANKIND. They Are Saturated With The SORROWS Of All TIME.

If You Want To Express Yourself, It Is Difficult To Be By Yourself. You MUST Have People AROUND You Who Understand The Same MUSIC. It Is Like Being The Chef D'orchestra. They NEED You, But You Need Them DESPERATELY.


I Think Architects Have A MAJOR ROLE In Being Responsible For Illustrating What The Future Could Be. Because Of The Very Strong POLITICAL And Commercial Climate, Many Architects Are Trying Very Hard To SOLVE Everyday Issues, To RESPOND To The Authorities.


I LIKE The ABSURD And The SURREAL: The Coen BROTHERS, Bunuel, Kubrick.


You FEEL A Certain Way In A Glass Or CONCRETE Or Limestone Building. It Has An Effect On Your SKIN - The Same With Plywood Or Veneer, Or Solid Timber. Wood Doesn't Steal Energy From Your Body The Way Glass And Concrete Steal Heat. When It's HOT, A Wood House Feels Cooler Than A Concrete One, And When It's Cold, The Other Way AROUND.


Life HOLDS One GREAT But QUITE Commonplace Mystery. Though Shared By Each Of Us And Known To All, Seldom Rates A Second Thought. That Mystery, Which Most Of Us Take For Granted And Never THINK Twice About, Is TIME.

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