SILVER and ermine and red FACES full of port WINE.

Author - John Betjeman

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FOOLS IGNORE COMPLEXITY. Pragmatists Suffer It. Some Can Avoid It. GENIUSES Remove It.

Essentially, Social EDUCATION Is Moral Education, And Moral Education Is Preparation For CITIZENSHIP... When Jefferson And Others Advocated PUBLIC Education, It Was To Prepare For Citizenship In A NEW, Constitutional, Democratic Society.

WHOEVER Conquers A FREE Town And Does Not Demolish It Commits A Great ERROR And MAY Expect To Be Ruined Himself.

Ninety PERCENT Of LEADERSHIP Is The Ability To Communicate SOMETHING PEOPLE Want.


Employers Can Assist Employees In Looking After Their HEALTH By Giving Guidance On Energy Management, SLEEP And Healthy Eating, WORKING RELATIONSHIPS, And Helping MAINTAIN A Sense Of Purpose At Work.


There Are No CONSTRAINTS On The Human MIND, No WALLS AROUND The Human Spirit, No Barriers To Our Progress Except Those We Ourselves Erect.


I Am INTERESTED In Imperfections, Quirkiness, INSANITY, Unpredictability. That's What We Really PAY ATTENTION To Anyway. We Don't Talk About Planes FLYING; We Talk About Them Crashing.


You NEVER KNOW With Politicians What They Are Really Saying. And I Don't SAY That In A NEGATIVE Way-they Have An Appalling Job.


You Have To Keep Listening And Thinking And Being CRITICAL And Self-critical. REMEMBER GENERAL Nivelle, In The First WORLD War, At Verdun? He Said He Had The SOLUTION And Then Destroyed The French Army Until It Mutinied.

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