We need to seek wise leaders who will seek common ground among Americans INSTEAD of DIVIDING US further for POLITICAL gain. As citizens, we must embrace those who embrace ideas, thoughtfulness, civility and KINDNESS to others no matter what their political beliefs.

Author - James McGreevey

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My BEST FRIEND - Who I've KNOWN Since I Was 12 - And I Started The DIEMON COMPANY Together.


It's The Same Each Time With Progress. FIRST They Ignore You, Then They Say You're MAD, Then Dangerous, Then There's A PAUSE And Then You Can't FIND ANYONE Who Disagrees With You.


One MAN Cannot HOLD ANOTHER Man Down In The DITCH WITHOUT Remaining Down In The Ditch With Him.


There's Always DOUBTS About Me, And I Always Want To Prove People WRONG, So That's What I TRY To Do.


Buonaparte Has Often Made His Boast That Our Fleet WOULD Be WORN Out By Keeping The SEA And That His Was Kept In Order And Increasing By STAYING In Port; But Know He Finds, I FANCY, If Emperors Hear The Truth, That His Fleet Suffers More In A Night Than Ours In One Year.

COMMERCIAL Speech Is Like Obscenity... We Can't SEEM To Define It, But We Know It When We SEE It.

I'm LIKE, 'What World Am I Living In?' Aren't Movies MADE To Have Something To Say? Why MAKE A Movie If You Don't Have Something To Say? What Are You Doing It For? Are You Doing It Because You Want To Make A Lot Of MONEY?


While One Should NEVER UNDERESTIMATE The Ability Of Risk-besotted Financiers To Wreak Havoc, The Real THREAT To Capitalism Isn't Unfettered FINANCIAL Cunning. It Is, Instead, The Unwillingness Of Executives To Confront The Changing Expectations Of Their Stakeholders.


My Partner, Jeff Ullrich, And I Always Thought Earwolf Was Going To Be Big. There Were A COUPLE Of STUDIES Before We Launched Saying Podcasts Were Going To Really Grow. But I Remember So Many Conversations At The Beginning Where People Would Say, 'How Are You Going To MAKE Money With This?'


Even Though Chinese Society Was REALLY Closed, There Were TWO Windows For Me To Explore The WORLD. One Was From My Mother And Grandmother, The Unseen And INVISIBLE World. Another Window Was Brought From My Father's Side, Those CLASSIC And Western Books.

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