While Romney has an overall deficit with women voters, his biggest disadvantage is with college EDUCATED women - wherever they WORK, at HOME, in an office, a STORE or a FACTORY.

Author - Mara Liasson

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Each One Of US Requires The Spur Of INSECURITY To FORCE Us To Do Our BEST.


The Same WAY One Tells A Recipe, One Tells A FAMILY History. Each One Of US Has Our Past LOCKED Inside.


Of Course There's Pressure, And It's STILL There With EVERY Book. Each One Is Harder To Write Than The LAST, Basically Because You're Always Trying To Write A BETTER Book. You Won't Always Succeed, Of Course, But That Has To Be What You're SHOOTING For.


Really, Each Part, Each One Of Us, I Think, Has Our ROLE, But I Think For JOE, He Really STANDS Out And Has That Mick Jagger-esque FEEL To Him.


I LOOK At Each One Of My Restaurants, And I Want My Personality To Come Out. Some Are Serious, Some Are Intense When It Comes To FOOD And Wines, Some Are MEAT MASTERS Supreme. I Enjoy All My Guests.


All Three Of My KIDS PLAY Soccer. Each One Of Them Started From The TIME They Were About 5 Or 6, And We Just Love It.


Not Only Did Jesus COME As A UNIVERSAL Gift, He Came As An Individual Offering With A Personal MESSAGE To Each One Of Us.

GAMERS Have This Tendency To Turn Games Into MATHEMATICAL EQUATIONS, BREAKING Them Into Lists Of Components LIKE 'presentation' And 'mechanics' And Judging Each One On Its Own Merits.

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