You cannot CARRY on FOREVER squeezing the productive bit of the ECONOMY in order to fund an UNPRECEDENTED engorgement of the unproductive bit.

Author - Daniel Hannan

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10+ Most View Strength Quotes - For Your Success


I Always Make The JOKE That I GO HOME, To One Of My Homes, To Go And Do LAUNDRY So I Can Go On The Road Again.


There Is Only One ARMY In Which You SERVE. When That IDENTITY Is GONE, It Is Gone FOREVER.


The Worst THING Is To GET INVOLVED With People Who Aren't Passionate About What They're Doing.


Have You NOTICED In Your Past EXPERIENCE That Your Kind Interpretations Were ALMOST Always Truer Than You HARSH One?


I GET To A Certain Point Where I Just Get So Tired That I Keep Going. It CREATES A Positive Feedback Loop In Some Ways - The More Stress And WORK I Put On Me, The More Stress And Work I Can DEAL With.


I'm Training And Preparing Because NOTHING Is Predictable In BOXING. I'm Preparing For Those Rounds, And If It Happens That I Get A Shot, WHATEVER Advantage I Have, I Will Be READY For 12 Rounds.

KIND Words Are A Creative Force, A POWER That Concurs In The Building Up Of All That Is Good, And ENERGY That Showers Blessings Upon The World.

The MIND WEARS The COLORS Of The SOUL, As A Valet Those Of His MASTER.


Character Is Doing The RIGHT Thing When Nobody's Looking. There Are Too Many People Who THINK That The Only Thing That's Right Is To GET By, And The Only Thing That's Wrong Is To Get CAUGHT.


Even Though The FUTURE Seems Far Away, It Is ACTUALLY BEGINNING Right Now.

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